Wednesday, April 27, 2011

A call unit that breaks the myth of tribes loyal to Qadhafi, Nothing can divide us.

A call unit that breaks the myth of tribes loyal to Qadhafi.
RĂ©union avec tous les chefs de tribus de Libye, dans une ferme de la banlieue de Benghazi. (c) Marc Roussel. RĂ©union avec tous les chefs de tribus de Libye, dans une ferme de la banlieue de Benghazi. (c) Marc Roussel.
Meeting with all the tribal leaders of Libya, on a farm on the outskirts of Benghazi. (C) Marc Roussel.

The text of the call

(Benghazi, April 12, 2011).
We, heads or representatives of the tribes of Libya, met today in Benghazi, around Daihoum Doctor, member of the National Transition Council. Faced with threats to the unity of our country, facing the maneuvers and propaganda of the dictator and his family, we solemnly declare this.
Nothing can divide us.
We share the same ideal of a Libya free, democratic and united.
Every Libyan has certainly had its origins in a particular tribe. But he has complete freedom to create family ties, friendship, neighborhood or fellowship with any member of any other tribe.
We train, we, the Libyans, a single tribe, the tribe of Libyans free, fighting against oppression and the evil spirit of division.
It is the dictator, trying to play the Libyan tribes against each other, dividing the country and rule. There is truth in this myth, it has fed an ancestral opposition today to a rift between tribes of Fezzan, of Cyrenaica and Tripolitania.
Libya tomorrow, once the dictator gone, will be a united Libya, including the capital Tripoli and will be where we are finally free to form a civil society according to our wishes.
We take this message, told a French philosopher, to thank France and through France, Europe: it is they who have prevented the bloodshed that we had promised Gaddafi, it is thanks to them and with them that we build Libya free, and one tomorrow.

The 61 signatories of the Call

(Name of the tribe, followed by the name of the Chief of tribe or his emissary)

1 - Awaguire Tribe:
Dr. Mansour Saad
2 - Tribes Misrata:
Muhammad Ali Al Shikh Griraa
3 - Al Abiddat Tribe:
Ali Al Sanousi
4 - Tribe Werfalaa:
Mouftah Al Matouk Werfali
5 - Al Abide Tribe:
Ali Al Moumen Abidy
6 - Al Hassa Tribe:
Bel Ghassim Moussa Al Hassy
7 - Tribe Tarhounaa:
Siléman Khalifa Al Tarhouny
8 - Tribe Ahali ZĂ©liten:
Hassan Mouhmed Kouraim
9 - Tribe Messilat:
FARG Muhammad Al Salemi
10 - Al Sawahil Tribe:
Ali Al Qadi Al Shik
11 - Al Amama Tribe:
Mansour Al Amary
12 - Al Maguarba Tribe:
Al Saleh Al Shik Atiwesh
13 - Al Agilat Tribe:
Muhammad Al Al dHMAn Agile
14 - Tribe Wesrhefanaa:
Ashour Al Bou Krisse Wershefani
15 - Ashraf Wadan Tribe:
Abu Baker Al Omar Sharif
16 - Tribe ZowaĂ¯a:
Muhammad Al Souliman Zouwai
17 - Al Mougabra Tribe:
Muhammad Saleh Shahat
18 - Al Awagla Tribe:
Al Haj Al Belidde Awagli
19 - Tribe Aoulad Souliman:
Sharif Al Nasr Sayfal
20 - Al Mahamed Tribe:
Al Sadek Al Aharrari
21 - Al Jawaz Tribe:
Mouhmed Al Falah Al Jazowi
22 - Al Fazazouna Tribes:
Al Hajj Ali Al Fazan
23 - Tribe Adrssa:
Muhammad Abd Al Kader Al Drssi
24 - Al Fawatir Tribe:
Dr. Omran Bin Salim Al Mousstafa Fitouri
25 - Al Fawakner Tribe:
Nooh Al Fakri
26 - Al Fawaid Tribe:
Ibrahim Al Faidy
27 - Al JĂ©miat Tribe:
Hamond Atia Al JEMIE
28 - Al MassamĂ¡ Tribe:
Khalil Al Massmari
29 - Al Frjan Tribe:
Muhammad Mukhtar Al Frjani
30 - Al Hassoumi Tribe:
Ramadan Al Hassoumi
31 - Al Ourffa Tribe:
Al Hajj Ali Abu Baker Al Ourouffi
32 - Al Tawajer Tribe:
Muhammad Omar Issmail
33 - Al Ziyayanaa Tribe:
Muhammad Al Ziyani
34 - Al Amayem Tribe:
Meray Al Amame
35 - Al Siyan Tribe:
Othman Al Souwaye
36 - Al Kabail Tribe:
Al Briek Kabayle
37 - Tribe Goumata:
Al Hajj Ali Algoumati
38 - Al Hawana Tribe:
Fathi Al-Huni
39 - Al Maguarhaa Tribe:
Al Hajj Moussa Al Magurahi
40 - Al Goutaan Tribe:
Farraj Al Goutaani
41 - Al Zintan Tribe:
Al Hajj Al Mouhmed Zintani
42 - Tribe Tawourga:
Mouhamed Mouftah Oukasha
43 - Al Menefa Tribe:
Ayat Al Faraj
44 - Al Houta Tribe:
Al Hajj Al Houti Abdoualah
45 - League of tribes Al Jabal Al Gharbi (Garyan - Kikala - Al Zintan Rihibat - Nalout - Yefren):
Abd Al Salam Al Gryan
46 - Al Sanagra Tribe:
Abd Al Halim Duma Aj Jahir
47 - Al Jeridi Tribe:
Fathi Abu Al Ajele Jeridi
48 - Tribe Agoualik:
Houssain Good Oussif
49 - Al Tawarik Tribe:
Abd Al Kader Al Targi
50 - Al Shik Aoulad Tribe:
Al Hajj Akram Abid
51 - Hamad Aoulad Tribe:
Mouhamed Moussa Al Shabah
52 - Al Barassaa Tribe:
Rashid Al Kadir Barassi
53 - Tribe Sourman:
Al Hajj Al Mabrouk Soumana
54 - Al Nawail Tribe:
Omar Juma Al Naili
55 - The tribes of Al Zawaya:
Al Hajj Abd Al Salam Al Zawi
56 - Al Aribat Tribe:
Abd Al Hamid Al Aribi
57 - Al Shihibat Tribe:
Al Hajj Abd Souliman
Al Al Hajiz Shouhibi
58 - Tribe Sitat Al - Al Arawa:
Saber Al Orwi
59 - Tribe Hawaraa:
Ali Youssif al-Hawari
60 - Al Khadaddfa Tribe:
Khalifa Saleh Al Gaddafi
61 - Al Jawaz Tribe:
Radi Al Farajj Jazoui
