Friday, March 18, 2011

6:30 pm eastern

lopsidedbunny: Squadron, which is known to be “Storm Shadow” capable. Storm Shadow is an anti-armour weapon for use against tanks and artillery etc. There may also be a contingent from 2 Squadron which specializes i
jain: mim source/
makwa: source mim ?
Tricia1234: mim source plz???
ellamy : Luton
Tricia1234: lol

lopsidedbunny: in recconnaisance. RAF Coningsby will also deploy Eurofighter Typhoon aircraft, primarily for air defence operations and to provide protective cover to offensive aircraft.

nacimLibya: ياناس شفتوا الجزيره الرجال يتباكو ويدعوا هو قصده ربي مايبيش ياخد حقهم تربي كبيرررررررر
Prochoice: Mimi source?
Tricia1234: oh boy
makwa: ok we see another troll in the room :
Tricia1234: yes we know that istalk
omaer: الله لا يضيع اجر المحسنين
DARNAA: calm down nacim .. alot has happened ..
omaer: وما الله بظالم للعبيد
Anonymoosh: yes we know, and also a really unlikely destination for a G jet
jain: grotbags!!!
journalist : skill i need new footage very soon and possible some contacts , maybe MO will be available this time?
grotbags has been banned by Anonymoosh.
KHAIRYteddy2: @Mim-are you sure, we better call the home office
Anonymoosh cleared messages from user grotbags.
nacimLibya: يارب بصراحه اثر فيا المشهد
DARNAA: u r right nacim
DARNAA: bass inshallah khair
nacimLibya: اول مرا انشوف الليبيين هكي
Prochoice: whats the souce?
jain: well done mooshy
1Dharma: Hi moosh
nacimLibya: الله ياخد الحق فيك يامدمررررر
Prochoice: damn youre fast anon :-)
RotterdamNL: I FOUND IT
omaer: والله قتلنا مشاهدة رجال تبكى والله ما يبكى الرجال الا لاشىء عظيم
Anonymoosh: was it lost?
RotterdamNL: Someone asked to provide a source
Jer1c0: lol
1Dharma: lol
RotterdamNL: here it is translated
freelibyen: my eye is twitching from stress since morning ugghh. i need some good news
OrangeNL: :)

hamduylala: 23:46 Reuters U.S. envoy Rice: Gaddafi is viloating U.N Security Council resolution adopted Thursday which demanded immediate ceasefire

CalyxxNC: i'm afraid to click short links now
jain: someone click the link first and tell me if its safe
makwa: ROTTER   NO SHORT LINKS !!! u been here long enough to know
jain: lol cxal, me too
crydi: When CNN reporter on live at top of the hour - there was no fighting in the city and there were lights behind her, so there is power
Anonymoosh: you can use in reverse to preview it
crydi: is that good news? lol
lopsidedbunny: short link not safe due to virus attacks...
CalyxxNC: really?
OrangeNL: how longer how stronger the news :)
Tricia1234: Right I'm off, nite to all -catch u tomorrow
ellamy : ly.tib?
makwa: too many ppl dunno mooshy :(
CalyxxNC: good to know anon
hlk01: 22:22 Al Jazeera Arabic Ajdabiya residents who have fled the city towards Tobruk have been speaking about the horrors and massacres that their city has been subjected to over the past 24 hours.
nacimLibya: بس الله ينصرهم يارب كم وعدتنا بالنصر فانصر ليبيااااااااااا ياااااارب
1Dharma: @ caly u know whos links to trust just use those :)
CalyxxNC: lol ellame
RotterdamNL: Long link
jain: nite tricia
hlk01: Merciless killings that spared no one be they young or old, man or woman. Residential areas that housed peaceful families were heavily bombed with tanks and heavy artillery. The civilians were unarmed

RotterdamNL: SAD VIDEO

LordHomer: link is a google translated page of al aribiya
hlk01: The civilians were unarmed and were simply overwhelmed. Many have fled and are now near the Libyan-Egyptian border.
RotterdamNL: long link doesn't work
RotterdamNL: long link doesn't work\
sagrevleyos: Hamed Hassi could be playing for G
LordHomer: its all broken, hence him shortening it
Anonymoosh: copy and paste
omaer: مشاهد مفجعة من اهل اجدابيا
sagrevleyos: ss
CalyxxNC: oh I give up on links...I'll go find my own news lol
sagrevleyos: aaaaassss
Anonymoosh: lol @ caly
RotterdamNL: You can trust my short links damn
1Dharma: lol
RotterdamNL: I am good guy
sagrevleyos: La
RotterdamNL: Bismillah
OrangeNL: yep Rotje :)
Jer1c0: hope so
CalyxxNC: Rotter - we don't know where you've's not you
nacimLibya: مش مفجع بس والله خلاص نكتبلكم ونبكي الله يبكيه الكلب
Anonymoosh: we know rotterdam, just been a few nasties today]
G_MUST_BE_REMOVED_LYBIANS: 7. Our cities are outside the city of Benghazi and NOT in the city of Benghazi from  this is worrying its as if he wants to segrigate benghazi as in letting benghazi be a free area but
crydi: thougt we were not supposed to post links anymore, since yesterday
jain: to be fair if you have anti virus software you should be safe clicking links
wafaaa: DARNAA ..ente  hon ??
elbudony: Pleas we are from USA and we dont have any information what is going on in Benghaze and sround area, Could you please tell us the truth, what happening back there
hlk01: you can click on the last underlined bit of Rott link and it works fine
Anonymoosh: yes jain,
nacimLibya: خلاص ارحل ياطاغيه
G_MUST_BE_REMOVED_LYBIANS: he wants to rule the rest of lybia could be an interprtation error butu dont know
RotterdamNL: this was it
CalyxxNC: I thought I was safe clicking links from a mac...and I wasn't yesterday

Badday81: LibyanTNC tweets: "Ras Lanouf under heavy air strike right now 

jain: so if you don't have anti virus its your own fault if you get a virus really
OrangeNL: Air strike?
wafaaa: DARRNAA ..ente hon ?
hlk01: that one works
sagrevleyos: That guy
RotterdamNL: But it's ina rabic it needs google translation to english

KiloFoot: 1335 viewers in room wow!
jain: Thanks rotter, link is good
RotterdamNL: Anyway, too many people post old news
nacimLibya: يارب احقن الدمااااااااااااء الليل يارب
hamduylala: Ras Lanuf is under opp control?
freedom0001: elb where u been? why no news in usa
hlk01: yep sure Rott
RotterdamNL: old tweets
RotterdamNL: Right now, important is the big picture
Badday81: bad
CalyxxNC: am only seeing 996 viewers?
RotterdamNL: Gaddafi's strategy
loupous: word on Dutch programm people in Tobruk are asked to arm themselves word is uncomfirmed is that the regime was heading for Tobruk
crydi: 1335 viewers here
elbudony: Pleas we are from USA and we dont have any information what is going on in Benghaze and sround area, Could you please tell us the truth, what happening back there
CalyxxNC: weird
RotterdamNL: Ras Lanuf is umimprtant now
omaer: يا قردافى يا بليد ما حد يبيك
crydi: @Caly - did you refresh
RotterdamNL: UN should provide safety for Tobruq and Benghazi TONIGHT
nacimLibya: ايوه
RotterdamNL: It is urgent
G_MUST_BE_REMOVED_LYBIANS: thes days no one should be operating a computer without virus program ( windows has free microsoft essentials virus checker
Chopper13: 1042
Jer1c0: they should
Jer1c0: there should be guarantees
RotterdamNL: air strikes on artillary and tanks of Gaddafi near East
john4fl: control f5 refresh
john4fl: 988 users
Jer1c0: how can ppl sleep?
RotterdamNL: Also lets not forget Misrata, Gaddafi has destroyed Misrata today
crydi: I have 995 now, si guess I needed to refresh

hlk01: has a list of the lies the foreign minister told - if you forgot just how many there were

Jer1c0: phones down in ben too
CalyxxNC: refreshed - 988 users....
RotterdamNL: Hope that West Libya is not forgotten by UN
Jer1c0: that is an act of war
CalyxxNC: Still amazing
1Dharma: skillet
LordHomer: *sigh*
KiloFoot: ooooooo
LordHomer cleared messages from user istalkidevs.
RotterdamNL: BIg picture people
domjohnson96: istalk - not the place for forcing atheism on others. I consider myself an atheist, but I wouldn't force it on others.
omaer: قايدنا مو كيف القادة ملصق تلصيقة القرادة
hopeness: @anin please,is mo goinh to benghazi for news?
fatcowxlive: @istalkdevs stfu
loupous: it was live to see how long lines of cars in Tobruk went to military base to get weapons
1Dharma: Thanx you lordhammer
Jer1c0: no god talk period
hababbi: YUP LH
RotterdamNL: Let's focus on the big picture
makwa: my guess to  skil
domjohnson96: LOL!
CalyxxNC: off to find news of the first airstrikes (i hope) back in a few
LordHomer: @istal  No caps, no underline, no religious debate, no antagonizing
domjohnson96: Sorry...
domjohnson96: Liberal Democrats? On our sides?
nacimLibya: ياجماعه في حد حصل عرب ليبيا كلمهم
domjohnson96: They will do nothing :@
crydi: CNN reported that at doctor said at least 26 deaths in Misrata today :(
jain: brb
domjohnson96: Anyway - not the place for ranting about UK politics.
Jer1c0: we have to hope they have it all under control
Phlox1: lol, I'm an atheist (ex catholic now) i repect those who have other beliefs ;)
omaer: لا يوجد اتصال من امس
pilotdebby: This room is to provide on Libya to keep people speculation please
G_MUST_BE_REMOVED_LYBIANS: dom pointless information
pilotdebby: on=news
ellamy : none spec
jo6ka: Cal: we are searching, but couldn't find
nacimLibya: امس تحصلت انا
ellamy : i agree
1Dharma: @ homer do you get tired of saying that because i get tired of reading it. :)
domjohnson96: I know, removed - its why I stopped ranting :)
yawningreyhound: phlox: haha same story with me!
nacimLibya: اليوم لايوجد
omaer: والله ما فى خاصة بنغازى
Jobaga: @EVERYONE - any news on Libya , in particular Benghazi?!??
nacimLibya: الله المستعااااااااان
RotterdamNL: Right now, there is little news, except that Gaddafi forces will probably not be able to attack the city
hopeness: thanks caly,my time for going sleep isverry near::))
nacimLibya: ماعش في اخبار في الجزيره
khilafahlover: اللهم احم أهلنا في ليبيا اللهم كن معهم يا الله
nacimLibya: من لديه اخبارررررر

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