Friday, August 5, 2011

Last 24hr in Brega, 400 G-camels, FF n Brega? Scouts in Bisher village pass

1981lc#libya #BREGA Benghazi free radio reporting G using 400 camels to smuggle weapons +ammo to his forces in Brega from the desert.7 hours ago 10 
alexblxNow Libyafalsifythefacts asserts that "There is no evidence that #FF forces are in#Brega" BLOCK @LibyaFactCheck = #GaddafiTrol #Libya13 hours ago 2 
“Exclusive : Picture showing a soldier Helping Mutassim #Gaddafi escape #Brega #Feb17 #Libya LOL ! ”
liberty4libyaLibyan National Army scouts push forward towards Bisher village pass #Brega.#Libya21 hours ago 2 

‪Press Conf. Dr. Moussa Ibrahim 03-08-2011‬‏ - YouTube

“Press Conf. Dr. Moussa Ibrahim 03-08-2011 Update on#Libya conflict, massive rebel losses esp near Zliten & Brega ”
emmaomo2011Ajazeera (arabic) reporting from the south brega front hours ago 2