Sunday, August 28, 2011

Libya News from Aug1 - Aug 18, Most read blog entries, videos and pics before FFs entered Tripoli

(Nalut Media. says FF tank division from #Nalut is closing in on the alwittya military base

Marguer_d Marguerite Dehler RT @libyanproud: #Alwittya : FFighter tank division from #Nalut is closing in on the alwittya military base . #Feb17 #Libya (Nalut Media...4 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Replylibyanproud libyanandproud #Alwittya : Freedom Fighter tank division from #Nalut is closing in
Aug 18

FFs have gained a massive haul of weapons after successfully taking control of Sebratha military base

Thanku4theAnger THANKU4THEANGER FFs have gained a massive haul of weapons after successfully taking control of Sebratha military base #feb17 #Libya11 minutes ago
Aug 18

BBC correspondent confirms.rebels occupy a strategic #oil refinery near #Zawiya,

@genevahouseGeneva House#Libya rebels occupy a strategic #oil refinery near #Zawiya, the BBC confirms, with no sign of #Gaddafi's troops:   An oil refinery outside the Libyan town of Zawiya, just 50km (30 miles) west of Tripoli, has been taken by opposition forces, a BBC corresponden
Aug 18

People in Zawiya joyous & chanting, Gaddafi forces using heavy weapons in both Garyan & Zawiya.

Libya rebels battle for key city near Tripoli -,0,2572118.story“Again, little/no independent confirmation of "rebel" claims, from this LATimes reporter...based in Cairo ( ) #Libya ” 1d4tw 4 days ago 25 more
Aug 18

#Tripoli Are there still News people in Rixos Hotel? If so shouldnt they be thinking of getting out soon?

#Tripoli Are there still News people in Rixos Hotel? It seems that reporters at Rixos hotel are hostages Qahtani Mohammad Qahtani  It seems that reporters at Rixos hotel are hostages.

Aug 17

Chad Government arrests Mercenaries heading to #Libya

@libyanproudlibyanandproudChad Government arrests Mercenaries heading to #Libya : via RFI (FR) #Feb17 #Libya via @Marguer_d @moiatable49 minutes ago via Twitter for iPhoneFavorite Retweet ReplyRetweeted by LY_NeverForget and 12 others
Aug 17

Unconfirmed Animated Map - Last 6 months in Libya including recent reports in #Gmata

sharon_lynch sharon lynch  RT @NatMondo: Rabi Ye7mihoum ISA "@LibyanLion17: BREAKING CONF. #Gmata - HEAVY fighting in Qasr Khayr betwee… (cont) hour ago jaked2jake jd2folife  CONFIRMED - #Gmata - HEAVY fighting in Qasr Khayr between FF + G forces!!.1 hour ago Marguer_d Marguerite
Aug 16

FFs claim to have cut off all four pipelines that transport gasoline and diesel to Tripoli.

@SheriHutchenSheri HutchensLibya rebels cut all fuel pipelines to Tripoli: reports - Christian Science Monitor minutes ago via It's MichFavorite Retweet Reply Libya rebels are tightening the noose on Tripoli, the stronghold of Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi, who could soon be forc
Aug 16


ehkayy FreeLibya.  EVERYONE FOLLOW @ZeinakhodrAljaz FROM LIVE UPDATES FROM MARTY SQUARE #Zawiya #Libya #Feb17 !!!!#GaddafiCrimes3 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply Zeina Khodr@ZeinakhodrAljazRoving correspondent, Aljazeera English Followin
Aug 16

Map Alous

@ LibyanLion17A Free LibyanAlous co-ordinates - 32°42'39"N 13°57'4"E. #Gmata is name of the region, that town is around the middle. #Libya #Feb17 LibyanLion17 A Libyan Free  BREAKING - Hospital Source - The death count for G troops in the Alous attack is now at 5. #Libya #Gmata #Feb178 minutes
Aug 15

@Skyman64 Driver from Libya says there are many govt soldiers beyond checkpoint. f the road really was open, there would be trucks haven't seen one in an hour

Ian Woods@Skyman64 LondonSky News Senior Correspondent.
Aug 15

CNN - #Surman - #Zawiyahighway is now safe and totally under FF control.

@LibyanLion17A Free LibyanCNN - #Surman - #Zawiyahighway is now safe and totally under FF control. #Libya #Feb172 minutes ago via webFavorite Retweet Reply Retweeted by ghitiya and others
Aug 15

VIDEO - Check it out - G tank running away from FF

@ LibyanLion17A Free LibyanVIDEO - Check it out - G tank running away from FF… #Libya #Feb17Flag this media YouTube4 hours ago via webFavorite Retweet ReplyRetweeted by jjiaamud and 4 others
Aug 14

Gaddafi address

@DernawiyaHananBREAKING: #Gaddafi addresses people in #Tripoli's Green Square via audio call. #Libya"You are hearing from me even under shelling. There will be an end to the shelling, end to the rebels, end to the idiots in the Gulf and the Libyan people will remain," Gadhafi said.
Aug 14

@ChangeInLibya #Gheryan is free. #Libyan freedom fighters control all the major areas and few Gaddafi snipers remain. FF moving on to Asab'aa from behind.

Map from month ago for perspectiveClick to EnlargeChangeInLibya Mhalwes #Gheryan is free. #Libyan freedom fighters control all the major areas and few Gaddafi snipers remain.
Aug 14

Exciting news from Tarhuna! After Gharyan liberated, it's the only road Gaddafi has open between Tripoli& the rest of the country!

iyad_elbaghdadi: Exciting news from Tarhuna! After Gharyan liberated, it's the only road Gaddafi has open between Tripoli& the rest of the country! #Libya54 minutes ago 21 retweethafedalghwell: reports are pouring in of MAJOR uprisings all over western #Libya including #tripoli ... #Zawiya, #Ghary
Aug 13

Tribal rifts? Brega, an oil port in the east, Zawiya, on the outskirts of Tripoli, and Gharyan, an important gateway to southern Libya

JohnCaruthers1 John Caruthers Tribal Rifts Threaten to Undermine Libya Uprising: An increase in discord and factionalism a... minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply TRIPOLI, Libya — Saddled with infighting and undermined by the occasionally ruthless and undiscipline
Aug 13

Video - SKY journo stopped at #Tunisia border, @Skyman64 Ian Woods Back at the Tunisian border. Gun battle around Al Zawiyah forced us to turn back. Much panic among government troops at rebel advance

@moiatablemoi a table#Libya - SKY journo stopped at #Tunisia border via #Feb17Flag this media YouTube7 minutes ago via TweetDeckFavorite Retweet Reply SteveMcCluskey Stephen McCluskey @ @perfectsliders @FromJoanne Expect report on coastal road from @Skyman64 who is tra
Aug 13

LIBYA_BREAKNEWS أسامة @ @jaked2jake A general just confirmed Liberation of Gheryan!!LIBYA ALAHRA TV

Thanku4theAnger THANKU4THEANGER  via Libya Arhar TV: Col Salah Matuq Head of Gheryan Military council confirms Gheryan liberated today with som… (cont) minutes ago Favorite Retweet ReplyLIBYA_BREAKNEWS أسامة  MY PREVIOUS TWEET CONTAINS A LINK TO A SCREEN SHOT I TOOK OF LIBYA ALAHR
Aug 13

For freat informaiton on the current status in Libya, make sure to follow Zeina Khodr @ZeinakhodrAljaz Roving correspondent, Aljazeera English

Zeina Khodr@ZeinakhodrAljazRoving correspondent, Aljazeera English Following Tweets Favorites Following Followers Lists ZeinakhodrAljaz Zeina Khodr #Libya gaddafi forces firing grad rockets at rebel positions not far from #azaziyah5 minutes ago
Aug 12

So much happening so fast, for great acurate info follow - Joanne @FromJoanne Born in Indonesia Spent best years in Sultanate of Oman Lost my heart to Egypt and not too long ago my home was on The Hadbah Road Tripoli Libya

Joanne@FromJoanneBorn in Indonesia Spent best years in Sultanate of Oman Lost my heart to Egypt and not too long ago my home was on The Hadbah Road Tripoli Libya Following Tweets Favorites Following Followers Lists FromJoanne Joanne Worth noting that there R many many Freedom Fighters FROM #Zawiya
Aug 12

Libyan rebels said they had captured part of the oil town of Brega on Thursday

shaladbroom shala broom Libyan rebels capture part of Brega, push north minutes ago  (Reuters) - Libyan rebels said they had captured part of the oil town of Brega on Thursday while their forces in the west pushed toward Zawiyah, trying to get within striking distance of Muamma

Aug 11

Epic NATO bombing of G thugs in #Zawiya NOW! Apache helios taking care in and around Zawiyah

emmaomo2011 emmaomo Apache helios taking care of G thugs in and around Zawiyatonight via FB #Libya9 minutes ago Favorite Retweet ReplyMarguer_d Marguerite Dehler RT @libyanproud: #NATO Bombing #Gaddafi forces in #Zawiyaand #Sebha tonight ! #Feb17 #Libya20 minutes ago emmaomo2011 emmaomo Epic NATO b
Aug 11

3 Checkpoints from #Zawiya to #RassIjdayr used to be 32, Shalghouda and alNasr + small BirShuaib were all captured & FF pushed on

@ChangeInLibyaMhalwesZawiya: NATO Apaches and jets are destroying a large convoy of troops near the #Zawiya coastal road according to unconfirmed reports #libya emmaomo2011 emmaomo FF are now combing the outskirts of Zawiya and have seized a wide range of weapons & ammos from G thugs via zintan FB
Aug 11

Libya Last hr - Brega can they hold it, Owning Thuraya satellite phone may be death penalty, Secretary-General worried about civilian casualties

In Libya, A Father And Son's Brief War :“In Libya, A Father And Son's Brief War ” nprnews 42 minutes ago 6 moreacarvin: AJ English re: Brega: "It is, apparently, in opposition hands." Question
Aug 11

Map Harsha

Local Freedom Fighters are clashing with #Gaddafi forces in the town of #Harsha (West of #Zawiya).. jmrasor John Rasor  @libyanproud Al #Harsha #Libya is about 1/3 way from #Surman to #Zawiya.
Aug 11

Video - NATO airstrikes over Tripoli light up the sky (2 nites ago) can anyone explain blast coming from the gorund

Is this the blast that supposedly killed 85 civilians?Did this rocket come from the ground? Why is this not mentioned @rima_misurataRimaNATO airstrikes over Tripoli light up the… #Libya #Feb17  CNN Video27 seconds ago via webFavorite Retweet Reply

Aug 10

Video - China slams US-led airstrike on #Libya - PressTV

@LibyanInfoLarry Smith#China slams US-led airstrike on #Libya - PressTV…via @youtubeFlag this media YouTube2 minutes ago via Tweet ButtonFavorite Retweet ReplyMentioned in this TweetYouTube YouTube  · FollowTweets on YouTube news, trends, and — of course — videos.
Aug 9

Russian investors are on the verge of buying a fleet of oil tankers from Libya

@feb17libyaFeb17LibyaRussian investors are on the verge of buying a fleet of oil tankers from Govt-owned General National Maritime…1 hour ago via Tweet ButtonFavorite Retweet ReplyRetweeted by bjoernen_dk and 3 others 4:00pm: Russian investors are on the verge of
Aug 9

Sad video - G men killed in Bir Ghanam were to be used by Gdfi's PM as victims of NATO in Tripoli but families 'refused'

@4AdamAdamG men killed in Bir Ghanam were to be used by Gdfi's PM as victims of NATO in Tripoli but families 'refused' [Ar]… #LibyaFlag this media YouTube6 hours ago via Tweet ButtonFavorite Retweet Replyreplies ↓ingridmajer ingrid majer @ @4Adam Can anybody translate this
Aug 9

The Libyan embassy will officially reopen today under the control of the National Transitional Council (NTC)

@4AdamAdamThe Libyan embassy will officially reopen today under the control of the National Transitional Council | Sky… #Libya5 minutes ago via Tweet ButtonFavorite Retweet Reply The Libyan embassy will officially reopen today under the control of the National Trans
Aug 8

Week n Review - Bir Ghanam yesterday, Nafusa Mtn, Gaddafi Email to PR Firm, Saif plans Islamist state

10 Videos last 24hrs - Libya rebels push to recapture oil-rich Brega, 17,000 Members Strong FREE LIBYA ‪Press Conference Libya - Why don't Journalists question NATO's Bombardments? (August 4, 2011)‬‏ - YouTube“Press Conference #Libya : Why don't Journalist question #NATO 's Bombardments - Video ht
Aug 7

#Tripoli: massive number of explosions tonight. THANK YOU #NATO, last 24hrs leading up to Brega and Bir Al-Ghanam!

StoriesSee allUnited People netherlands tv - banner The United People worldwide   #UP   will no longer be exploited and parasitized on by bankers   corporations   Wall Street   hedge funds and other money-grabbers.
Aug 7

Msallata also very active. Msalata is known for its pious and kindppl. They came out against #Gaddafi from the beginning

OnlyOneLibya ProudLibyan  Msalata also very active. Msalata is known for its pious and kindppl. They came out against #Gaddafi from the beginning. #Libya1 minute ago
Aug 6

We won't demonstrate anymore! It's time to FIGHT.

@Ray_224Rayan ☾✰We won't demonstrate anymore! It's time to FIGHT. #Libya #Feb17 #Tripoli2 minutes ago via UberSocial for BlackBerryFavorite Retweet Reply
Aug 6

Libyan rebels on Saturday said they had launched a push to capture the coastal oil town of Brega, but were advancing slowly

@SituationReportSituation ReportsLibya rebels say they are advancing on Brega minutes ago via dlvr.itFavorite Retweet Reply Libya rebels say they are advancing on Brega 06 Aug 2011 13:40Source: Reuters // Reuters* Rebels say advancing cautiously on town through minefield*
Aug 6

VIDEO - AlJawsh, A nice driving tour with the Nafusa and Zuwara FFs after its liberation.

@LibyanLion17A Free LibyanVIDEO - #alJawsh… - A tour with the #Nafusa and #Zuwara FFs after its liberation. #Libya #Feb17Flag this media YouTube1 minute ago via webFavorite Retweet Reply
Aug 5

On Tuesday 2 August, Carmen Romero, the NATO Deputy spokesperson, briefed the press on events concerning Libya.

@AxelTamtamAxel G TamtamOn Tuesday 2 August, Carmen Romero, the NATO Deputy spokesperson, briefed the press on events concerning Libya.... this media  YouTube50 seconds ago via FacebookFavorite Retweet Reply
Aug 5

Last 24hr in Nafusa, G-landmines, ancient lookoout, push toward the sea, FF take high ground

Retreating Gadhafi forces leave behind deadly mines -“just like fascist italy b4..
Aug 5


Aug 4

Msallata Maps

Click map to Enlarge LIVE Libyan Unrest: August 4, 20119:40pm: Three Libyans were killed in a town south east of Tripoli that has until now been void of violence. “There was a clash on Wednesday evening between people waiting in a queue outside a bakery.
Aug 4

Video - FF forces in Nafusa Mtns use metal detector to de-mine areas abandoned by Gaddafi troops

@NadiaMaddoxNadiaCNN- FF forces in Nafusa Mtns use metal detector to de-mine areas abandoned by Gaddafi troops #Libya…Flag this media YouTube12 minutes ago via web
Aug 4

After Effective Lies To Intrigue NATO War On Libya CNN Finally Shows Targets Of Aggression

@ABUBAKRSIDDIQABUBAKRSIDDIQI favorited a @YouTube video Effective Lies To Intrigue NATO War On Libya CNN Finally Shows Targets Of AggressionFlag this media YouTube3 minutes ago via GoogleFavorite Retweet ReplyMentioned in this TweetYouTube YouTube  · FollowTweets o
Aug 4

Check this video out -- Libya brave, friendly soldiers, Ramadan 2 August 2011

@ABUBAKRSIDDIQABUBAKRSIDDIQCheck this video out -- Libya / Brega: brave, friendly soldiers, Ramadan in Brega.
Aug 3

Syria tanks occupy #Hama Central Sq after heavy shelling

@alfredcampAlfred Camp@BreakingNews #Syria tanks occupy #Hama Central Sq after heavy shelling ~ but UK too busy helping #AlQaeda in #Libya1 minute ago via Twitter for iPhoneFavorite Retweet ReplyMentioned in this TweetSyrian tanks occupy main Hama square, shell city-residents inShare4
Aug 3

Video - UN Libya will suffer food crisis

@shangraylaSarah MUN Libya will suffer food crisis #Libya #Food #Crisis via @GlobaltechfirmFlag this media YouTube3 minutes ago via Tweet ButtonFavorite Retweet ReplyMentioned in this Tweet
Aug 2

Plz RT Burn a candle in Support of R Revolution(s) every day

@iranangelneda angelofiranRT @SirrK: Plz RT Burn a candle in Support of R Revolution(s) every day - #iranelection #sog #neda #Iran #Tunis #Syria #tunisa #Libya #Egypt2 minutes ago via TweetDeckFavorite Retweet ReplyMentioned in this TweetSirrK Kay Ydill · FollowArtist, Sculptor, Art Wear Maker, Inov
Aug 2

old article RT @Johnyrocket69: Warfalla tribal leader says gaddafi is no longer a brother and should leave

@grafixelguess whatold article RT @Johnyrocket69: Warfalla tribal leader says gaddafi is no longer a brother and should leave #libya, Libya — Akram al-Warfalli, a leader of this country’s giant Warfalla tribe, said only a few words in his interview with Al Jazeera: “We te
Aug 2

Aug2 - AlJawsh guns had been seizing up due to sandstorm. Tiji - Gaddafi forces still holding the town.

@baysontheroadJAMES BAYS#LIBYA opp fighters still in frontline position around Tiji.
Aug 2

Gaddafi gold for oil - does this comment even make sense, when you can just buy gold? Oh well something to talk about

@gaddafDOTlyGaddaf.lyRT @freelibyanews Gaddafi gold for oil, dollar doom plans behind Libya 'mission' YouTubehImo14: Gaddafi... Gaddafi gold for oil, dollar doom plans behind Libya 'mission' YouTubehImo14amigosdelibia 583 videos Subscribe+Auto Replay2 views Like Add to
Aug 1

Gaddafi forces retake Josh, in foothills of #Nafusa Mountains, according to AFP

@Libya_NowAnayaRT @EnoughGaddafi Gaddafi forces retake Josh, in foothills of #Nafusa Mountains, according to AFP #libya1 minute ago via webFavorite Retweet ReplyMentioned in this TweetEnoughGaddafi Enough GaddafiENOUGH! IS born from a single, broad sentiment: recognition of the overwhelming need for
Aug 1

Picture #Benghazi EXCLUSIVE IMAGE where last remaining Gaddafi fugitive hid today via MajnoonLibya

@Marguer_dMarguerite DehlerRT @changeinlibya: Benghazi: EXCLUSIVE IMAGE where last remaining #Gaddafi fugitive hid 2day - via MajnoonLibya #libya Benghazi: EXCLUSIVE IMAGE of where the last remaining Gaddafi fugitive hid today - via MajnoonLibya #libyaMarguer_d Marguerite Dehle
Jul 31

FF attack the Al-Nidaa faction inside Benghazi, secretly working for #Gaddafi

@Arab_FuryArab Fury#Libya FF attack the Al-Nidaa faction inside Benghazi after they were suspected of secretly working for #Gaddafi.