Heinz: There will be overnight action in #BaniWalid with helis & people on the ground. #Libya #Feb17
Predictably, meeting of UK high rep to Libya and rendered rebel Abdulhakim Belhadj was not all sweetness and lighttelegraph.co.uk/news/8750915/B…
@RichardJSpencer Link does not work. Interesting how tables have reversed. He probably begging you for info & attention. LOL
@LibyaSteadfast Should let them back to Twerqa, but within 6 mos. start trials of those with murder on hand. @LibyanPilot @ArmchairArab
@bjoernen_dk Sorry- "meaningful theory". Somewhere he will redefine science to fit Islam, & science becomes rhetoric. Interesting to kno how
@fieldproducer Not much going on elsewher. All eyes on NTC being challenged by Islamist upstarts in Bengh & Trip. NTC must break thru @ sirt
@bjoernen_dk That is D whole trick of vid segment 1. D molla is REDEFINING science to suit D Islamic belief system & saying Islam scientific