ianinegypt: Misrata fighters I've talked to are reluctant but ready to attack Sirte and Bani Walid saying they've shed enough blood. #Libya48 minutes ago 11 retweet
NTC Forces Hammer at Gadhafi Stronghold of Bani Walid | Africa | English
voanews.com/english/news/africa/Ongoing-Clashes-in-Libyas-Gadhafi-Stronghold-Kill-3-129580273.htmlGaddafi's diehard secret police dig in as Nato jets blast desert stronghold | World news | The Observer
guardian.co.uk/world/2011/sep/10/gaddafi-beni-walid-rebels-nato“Otan bombardeia Bani Walid, mas partidários de Kaddafi mantêm uma resistência feroz http://t.co/xt3hp5q ”
Los rebeldes entran a Beni Walid mientras jefe del CNT llega a Trípoli : Noticiero Digital
noticierodigital.com/2011/09/los-rebeldes-entran-a-beni-walid-mientras-jefe-del-cnt-llega-a-tripoli/“#Follow1x1 Los rebeldes entran a Beni Walid mientras jefe del CNT llega a Trípoli: Trípoli/... http://t.co/b14HPR9#TeamFollowBack #F4F ”
Libye: Bataille autour du bastion kadhafiste de Bani Walid - 20minutes.fr
20minutes.fr/article/784654/libye-bataille-autour-bastion-kadhafiste-bani-walid“Libye: Bataille autour du bastion kadhafiste de Bani Walid http://t.co/zSVazWU ”
landdestroyer: #Feb17 #Libya rebels claimed Bani Walid would fall "in hours" now withdrawing so NATO can carpet bomb after failed assault54 minutes ago 16 retweet
The Mystery of Barack Obama Continues | Western Journalism.com
westernjournalism.com/exclusive-investigative-reports/the-mystery-of-barack-obama-continues/“Obama's Harvard educ. was paid for by Khalid Al-Mansour, advisor to Saudi prince Al-Walid bin Talah -http://ow.ly/6qHXX ”
Hinter der Fichte: Libyen: Gaddafi-Truppen greifen an
hinter-der-fichte.blogspot.com/2011/09/libyen-gaddafi-truppen-greifen.html“#Libyen: Gaddafi-Truppen greifen an - #NATO -Fußtruppen vor Bani Walid zurückgeschlagen - Luftangriffe verschwiegenhttp://t.co/B6rGIFK ”
laylaanwar: Seems NATO used mustard gas in Bani Walid #Libya. Now I know where those WMDs are.9 minutes ago retweet
beattiedoug: NATO air strikes against targets in the town of Bani Walid - part of UN resolution to protect the civilians of #Libya. Have I got that right19 minutes ago retweet