Photo - Libyan priorities: Security and a lasting peace, Life begins to return slowly back to normality

“Life begins to return slowly back to normality. There are no particular difficulties,” the bishop said. Life is getting back to normal in Tripoli according to its Apostolic Vicar, Bishop Giovanni Martinelli. “In the past days Masses were celebrated without problems and safely,” he added. “Among the Catholics present in Libya I once again want to recall the Filipina nurses who have remained to ensure their service even in the most difficult moments. These people have left everything to serve the sick in hospitals. “The new authorities are working to ensure order and safety,” he continued. The priority is to make normal the security of the people and working for a lasting peace, the bishop reported to Fides. Speaking from Italy where he is receiving medical treatment, Martinelli said he was not able to officially confirm a statement from Human Rights Watch that the National Transitional Council is arbitrarily arresting and abusing African migrant workers and black Libyans assumed to be mercenaries, however he said he has been told there has been some exacerbation against African migrants.