Reuters: Anti-Gaddafi fighters clashing with loyalist troops in Gaddafi's hometown of Sirte RT @SkyNewsBreak #Libya
The video of Ahmed Garyani being shot by Gaddafi thugs…
“@LibyaNewMedia: Ahmed Garyani became a symbol of the uprising when he refused 2say"praise 2Gaddafi" & was killed as a result of tht #Libya”
[Graphic] Video showing the dead body of Ahmed Garyani, fnd on the mobile of an arrested G man #Libya v@LibyaNewMedia
more Gaddafi lies “@guardian: Latest #Libya news > Gaddafi claims Nato air strikes have killed hundreds in”
British PM Cameron in #Libya says country's allies will help bring #Gadhafi to justice. v @cnnbrk
Operational Media Updates: Summary of activities for Operation Unified Protector of the past 24 hours #NATO #Libya
“@ARABICA11: #Syria n opposition holds talks in Damascus - Middle East - Al Jazeera… via @ajenglish”
“@BRQNews2: #syria برق | سوريا | ناشطون : 9 شهداء من المتظاهرين Øصيلة أمس برصاص جيش بشار المدعو بالجيش السورى”