10,000 B.C. - Villages and Towns - "From around 10,000 – 7,000 B.C. communities based on agriculture appeared in various places throughout the world. Excavations at Catal Huyuk in what is now Turkey, Teleilat el Ghassul in the Jordan valley, the Hussuna, Samarran and Halaf cultures of the Mesopotamian plain just to mention a few, all show conclusively that these early agricultural communities were well planned villages and towns, some with elaborate irrigation and even sanitation systems. One of the most striking features about these communities however, was the fact they were all built without any fortifications or defenses of any kind. And astonishingly these early cultures didn’t manufacture weapons of war."
10,000 B.C. - Trivia / Thailand - "Over 10,000 years ago, man lived near the waterways in the north and central Thailand. Archaeological evidence of Neolithic settlements has been discovered in an area covering no less than 40 provinces. They include tools and decorative objects made of flint, bone and shells. Primitive paintings dating to this period exist in a number of caves."
10,000 B.C. - Trivia / Antartica - "According to theorists, the continent of Antartica [between 10,000 to13,000 yrs. ago] drifted to its present location as the result of earth-crust displacement. The combined effect of the Piri Reis, Oronteus Finaeus, Mercator, and Buache maps is the strong, though disturbing, impression that Antartica may have been continuously surveyed over a period of several thousands of years as the ice cap gradually spread outwards from the interior, increasing its grip with every passing millennium but not engulfing all the coasts of the southern continent until around 4000 B.C." [Links: 1]