Sadat line RT @LeShaque49: Amer Tal on #Syria TV:Syria is the foundation of cooperative Arab work & the Arab world cannot function without it
AlexanderPageSY49 Alexander Page
Syrian ambassador Ahmad Yusuf press conference: "the decisionby the Arab league is void" #SYRIA
perfectsliders perfectsliders
Defections and clashes in northwest #Syria; more than 12 peoplekilled j.mp/sUijoe
Samsomhoms1 Samsom homs
AlexanderPageSY49 Alexander Page
Demonstration now in front of the #Syria'n embassy 100s are herethe atmosphere is unbelievable
aliqabazard36 م/ علي قبازرد
من تصريحات المؤيدين للثورة السورية تحس انه ثورة سوريا ثورة "سرسرية" ! #محشومين #syria
laylaanwar47 Layla Anwar