Monday, January 23, 2012

#ACTA International Copyright Trolling Treaty, That was negotiated is total secrecy due to "Nation Security Concerns" does not need to be voted on

Drake Abbychicka

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Drake Abbychicka  -  10:15 PM  -  Public
Michael Mozart's profile photoMichael Mozart originally shared this post:
The "ACTA" International Copyright Trolling Treaty, That was negotiated is total secrecy due to "Nation Security Concerns" does not need to be voted on or approved by any Lawmaker as It's an International Treaty.
Please Sign this White House Petition to stop OBAMA from rolling over and signing it! 25,000 signatures guarantees a Whitehouse/Obama response! HURRY!!/petition/end-acta-and-protect-our-right-privacy-internet/MwfSVNBKWe the People: Your Voice in Our Government is the official web site for the White House and President Barack Obama, the 44th President of the United States. This site is a source for information about the President, White House ...
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