Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Linzhang #China: 1000s of ancient Buddha statues unearthed, nearly 3000 Buddha statues

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NE Asia Archaeology  -  9:01 AM  -  Public
Linzhang, China: 1000s of ancient Buddha statues unearthed |#archaeology #kaoguxue
Thousands of ancient Buddha statues unearthed. From: Xinhua Writer: Date:2012-3-23 13:00:00. Chinese archaeologists in the northern province of Hebei in January unearthed nearly 3000 Buddha statues th...
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Nicole Spray

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Nicole Spray  -  8:45 AM  -    -  Public
Nicole Shree Zborial Caravajal so so so much evil. God speaks micro, micro of micro. U choose not 2listen. U choose 2ignor actions that bring God's Embrace! U allow greed 2rule! 50% 50% 50% when did you stop loving OUR One God? are ya'll like God's Chosen? Wat kind of soul allows abmination? 60 i want 2know as my embrace becomes full of exist 2OUR One God. Elach? que es why do you not feel OUR One ...
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