Friday, March 30, 2012

#Syria Kurds: Are They The Key To Ending The Syria Crisis? | Middle East Voices |

Middle East Voices  -  10:03 AM  -  Public
Follow @MEVHutch // A tent city among the ruins of a former tobacco factory along the Turkish-Syrian border is home to Syrian refugee Ciwan and his -
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Ray Christian

Ray Christian  -  9:17 AM  -  Public
Arming Syria rebels will lead to 'proxy war', Iraq warns

Arming Syria's opposition fighters would only lead to a "proxy war" and "infringe on the sovereignty of a brother Arab country" Iraq's Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki warned Arab leaders at a summit in Baghdad on Thursday.
Arming Syria's opposition fighters would only lead to a "proxy war" and "infringe on the sovereignty of a brother Arab country" Iraq's Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki warned Arab leaders at a summit in ...
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