Wednesday, April 18, 2012

74 #Syria #Martyrs number of martyrs in Syria has risen to 74 thus far today

Brian Gauspohl1:29 PM  -  Public
this so called ceasefire in Syria is a joke
Syrian Revolution originally shared this post:
74 #Martyrs 17-4-2012 in #syria (with videos).
Posted by abeer on April 18th, 2012

Local Coordination Committees in Syria
The number of martyrs in Syria has risen to 74 thus far today, they are distributed as follows: 40 martyrs in Idlib including 8 who were executed and several martyrs who fell yesterday during the shelling whose bodies were recovered and identified today, 22 martyrs in Homs including 7 martyrs who were killed in the shelling of Kasrah neighborhood and...
74 Martyrs 17-4-2012 | Local coordination committees of Syria »
Local Coordination Committees in Syria The number of martyrs in Syria has risen to 74 thus far today, they are distributed as follows: 40 martyrs in Idlib including 8 who were executed and several mar...
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SyriaNews1:28 PM  -  Public
M of A - Ban Ki-moon's Helicopter Nonsense »
The United Nations Security Council is expected to authorize deploying a full mission of 250 monitors to Syria after it takes up the issue Wednesday, but Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon questioned wheth...
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Robby Ball1:26 PM  -    -  Public
FROM LIBYA TO SYRIA: "WAR IS A RACKET. IT ALWAYS HAS BEEN" by James Corbett “War is a racket. It always has been.” These words are as true now as they were when Major General Smedley Butler