Wednesday, April 18, 2012

#Syria UN observers get 10 Vehicles via Lebanon haggling over the deployment terms came as violence flared throughout Syria on day six of the cease-fire.

Bob Lee3:03 PM  -    -  Public
Accord Near on Full Deployment of Cease-Fire Monitors in Syria »
Diplomatic haggling over the deployment terms came as violence flared throughout Syria on day six of the cease-fire.
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Lebanese authorities have refused to allow UN observers to land in the defunct Qulaiat airport in the North to give them quick access to the Syrian province of Homs, An Nahar newspaper reported Wednesday. The newspaper said the UN made the request given that the airport is at close proximity to...
Lisa I. Smith2:39 PM  -  Public
Who Broke Syria? - By James Harkin »
Less than a week into a U.N.-brokered ceasefire in Syria, the arrangement is already looking pretty shaky. The Syrian government has promised to pull its army back from major cities, but now seems to