Tuesday, May 15, 2012

#Iran #Syria Israeli group wins $323 million terror suit against Syria, Iran

JERUSALEM — An Israeli advocacy group won a $323 million judgment in a US court against Iran and Syria for supporting Palestinian militants that killed an American teenager and ten others in a 2006 bombing, the group's director said Tuesday. Nitsana Darshan-Leitner of the Shurat HaDin Israel Law ...

Robby Ball

6:17 PM  -  
+1'd on egyptday1.blogspot.com
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#May15: #Syria Says Voter Turnout 51 Percent in Boycotted Election »
The fighting in Syria has spread to Tripoli in neighbouring Lebanon. Tension has been rising between Tripoli's Sunnis, who support the Syrian opposition against the government of President Bashar ...
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Robby Ball

6:16 PM  -  
+1'd on egyptday1.blogspot.com
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#May15: #Syria: UN monitors attacked observing a fragile ceasefire in Syria reportedly came under fire on Tuesday »
Syrian Kurds Fleeing To Iraqi Safe Haven It was a January evening when his Syrian army unit raided a house near the city of Zabadani, not far from Damascus, the former sergeant recalled. A 70-year-old...