Tuesday, May 8, 2012

#Libya missiles on the loose spread of shoulder-fired anti-aircraft missiles from Libya after the overthrow of Moammar Gaddafi

For the past few months, I've been hearing private warnings about another threat to commercial planes — namely, the spread of shoulder-fired anti-aircraft missiles from Libya after the overthrow of Moammar Gaddafi's regime. A State Department official said in February that Gaddafi had acquired ...

Andrew Kene

4:46 PM  -    -  Public
I made a post,about the late Leader Of Libya,a Late Colonel,if i may add,who was removed by the collective effort of the people of Libya and Citizens of Libya,leaving in the dispora,i want people to understand the rise and fall of a leader,who made use of incomes,from crude oil,to pacify,his people,gave them thousands of Dollars,each with promises,as more incentives,to the people,to ignore thier wishes...
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xaime aguiar

3:48 PM  -  Public
For the first time since the fall of Gaddafi, 5 civilians will be judged accused of plotting against the country.
Libya holds first civilian trial of alleged Gaddafi supporters »
ZAWIYAH, Libya (Reuters) - Libya began its first civilian trial of alleged supporters of Muammar Gaddafi's regime on Tuesday, officials said, as five men accused of planning to create instability by "...