Monday, May 14, 2012

Nikola Tesla was greatest geek who ever lived

Denis Gorodetskiy

7:01 PM  -  Public
Nikola Goddamn Tesla!!!
Brian Fitzpatrick originally shared this post:
Normally I'd say that this is hilarious, but it's actually a little sad.

Nikola Tesla++

Why Nikola Tesla was the greatest geek who ever lived - The Oatmeal »
Additional notes from the author: If you want to learn more about Tesla, I highly recommend reading Tesla: Man Out of Time; Also, this Badass of the week by Ben Thompson is what originally inspired me...
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Keith Gregory

6:59 PM  -  Public
Edison was an ass!
Irving Ortiz originally shared this post:
tesla..the most underrated scientist #tesla

Friend me on Facebook! Read more about Nikola Tesla I made this for the 154th anniversary of Nikola Tesla's birth, which was July 10th. Thanks to for helping promote this video. Nikola Tesla was born on July 10th 1856, in the territory of modern day Croatia to his two Serbian parents. Tesla grew up into bright inquisitive, yet eccentric child, who found himself fascinated by the world around him. Tesla once tried to fly by jumping off the roof of a barn while holding on to an umbrella. He devised a bug powered motor using Junebugs, but had to abort his experiment after a friend decided to eat some of the bugs (Tesla thought this was gross). He once attempted to generate electricity by rubbing two cats together, which resulted in two very mad cats and a scratched up Tesla. On June 6th, 1884, Tesla arrived in the United States. He was hired by Thomas Edison to do basic electrical engineering, but moved up to re-designing the direct current generators that ran Edison's business. Edison offered Tesla $50,000, or about $1.1 million in today's currency to make these improvements. After completing this assignment, Tesla asked about the payment for his work. Edison didn't pay out the money. He claimed that he wasn't serious about the payment, that Tesla didn't "understand American humor". Tesla eventually left Edison's company and partnered with George Westinghouse in 1888 to commercialize his system of alternating current (AC). The problem here is that alternating current competed with direct current, which Thomas Edison built his entire monopoly on. Thus begun the "War of the Currents". Edison started a massive smear campaign against Tesla and alternating current, trying to scare people into avoiding it's use. He spread false information about deaths from alternating current, lobbied against it, and went so far as to electrocute a circus elephant in public. Direct current had plenty of faults, it was the cause of death of countless children, and created numerous house fires. Also, the maximum reach of direct current was about two miles, which meant a substation had to be built to continue the current. They would still be building substations today if they were going to get electricity across the US. Tesla's alternating current could go for hundreds of miles. Lights running on alternating current were brighter, unlike the dull yellow lights running on direct current. Eventually, Edison had to give into the demands of the people, and go with alternating current. Tesla's influence goes much further than electricity. He had over 700 patents, and came up with ideas such as Robots Spark Plugs the Electric Arc Lamp an Xray Device Blade less turbines Wireless communication Electric motors Laser technology Neon Lights Remote Controls Cellular communication The radio An electrical bath to remove germs RADAR Wireless communication And much more Tesla died from heart failure in a room of the New Yorker Hotel, on January 7th 1943. Despite his fame and influence on the world, he died with significant debts, and all alone. While Edison is known as the inventor of the century, Tesla is only acknowledged as a paragraph in today's history books, forgotten, and unappreciated.
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Gary Scott

6:57 PM  -  Public
J.P. Harvey originally shared this post:
*see previous post lol

WOW....ok so playing Zelda music through a #Tesla coil is apparently "a thing" ....who knew ?

Honestly, I started this search looking for TF-C video as Tesla Coils came out in 1.6 Counter Strike days and I was an awesome Engineer and loooooooved my Tesla Coil weapons.


Zelda theme: Tesla Orchestra.
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Gary Scott

6:56 PM  -  Public
Arthur Talbot originally shared this post:
Sweet Home Alabama - via #NikolaTesla
Thanks to +Moan Lisa hashtag trend we get to relive one of the best songs ever conceptualized... in arc form!

These are two gigantic solid state musical Tesla Coils. A Tesla Coil is a special type of transformer invented by Nikola Tesla that is able to ...
Shared from the Google+ SuperFronds™ stream
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