I was shocked during my two days in #Egypt by the mounting anti-Palestinian campaign and the incredible lies that... http://fb.me/V493VsLa
10:38 AM - 30 Jan 13 · Details
Oh honorable Egypt mercy Palestinians Abdel Bari Atwan
When sour conditions internal in some Arab countries, the parties suspicious to search for a scapegoat weak without support, and often apply this case the Palestinians living there, are fabricated accusations, and spreading rumors fabricated, to come Results campaigns of incitement and hatred, develop into massacres in most often.
happened in Kuwait, after its occupation by Saddam Hussein, and the payment of Palestinians dearly, despite the fact that the vast majority of them (400 thousand) were against the occupation and with the full withdrawal in Iraq were subjected to massacres carried out by sectarian militias hateful because the same charge, and repeated tragedy in Syria's Yarmouk refugee camp, and before this and that, in the Nahr al-Bared in northern Lebanon. And do not forget the expulsion of Colonel Muammar Gaddafi for them to just disagreeing with the Palestinian leadership. Egyptian media, and television in particular, broadcast these days news infiltration seven thousand Hamas forces through tunnels Egyptian border with the Gaza Strip, to carry out sabotage in Egypt sometimes, and protection Palace Federal Presidential other times, open prisons and release criminals at times third. these numbers breed and multiply, according to their claims, are terrifying in a single day, as well as the role 'terrorist' practiced by these invaders Ahamsoyun in the land of Kenana, to tip the President Mursi, and Brotherhood movement generally , in the face of their enemies from the liberals and secularists who lie under the umbrella of the FIS opposition headed by Dr. Mohamed ElBaradei. choosing Hamas, and the Palestinian people through them, choose carefully calculated, movement Islamist Muslim Brotherhood, and very close to the movement mother in Egypt, and an extension to it, and represent her arm military in the face of the Israeli occupation, so the process Hitntha that are currently received some response among some Egyptian authorities disaffected on the Brotherhood, and want to topple Dr. Morsi, who is head Hrepettha. Hamas Movement does not have seven thousand fighters even send them through the tunnels to Tahrir Square or the Federal Palace, and if they have a surplus of this huge number, the question is how to cut these distance of 400 kilometers in the Sinai desert, and then crossed the Channel to Cairo without notice to them by Egyptian security? And if these have succeeded already in deceiving this Security ancient coach, and we do not think so, this is an insult to Egypt and its security. Muslim Brotherhood movement, which has tens of millions of supporters inside Egypt does not need to be a few people from the movement 'Hamas' besieged in the Gaza Strip to protect minors who reside Egypt's president, also said the group, which did not send any of its supporters to sabotage installations Egyptian at the time of President Hosni Mubarak, who was not her hostility and hatred is unprecedented, can not be made on any disrespect to Egypt and its people in a time Prime Yudha and sympathetic them, relieves restrictions siege against it. ' ' Before this campaign tendentious aimed to sow more seeds of discord between the Palestinian and Egyptian, we agreed months ago to other more aggressive says there is a plan to resettle the people of the Gaza Strip in the Sinai desert, and that the rule of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt was involved in, and he went from standing behind this campaign is to some extent talking about billions were monitored to finance this plan. who promote such sedition, and playing on paper resettlement, the knowledge sensitivity to the Egyptian people who sanctifies dust home, and flatly refused to alienate the seed of it to anyone, and this is نكبره and his son, not know that the sons of the Gaza Strip rejected an absolute refusal to move to the desert of Sinai, and the late President Gamal Abdel Nasser, out of a national Arabist Islamist encouraged them to, when set up reconstruction projects in which to develop first, and absorb the unemployed workers for work of the Egyptians and the Palestinians. Moreover it Despite the siege starvation gorge on the Gaza Strip, which lasted about eight years, did not leave one Palestinian sector to stay in Sinai despite the presence of more than a thousand a tunnel under the border on both sides. and remind everyone that the Israelis when their occupation of Gaza and the Sinai after the war of 1967 (Gaza was under Egyptian administration) set up camp for Palestinian refugees on the border, half in the Sinai and the other half in the Gaza Strip, called Canada camp, because he was held over the camp of the unit in Canada, United Nations forces that existed in the sector under the armistice agreement in 1948, and when withdrawn its forces after the signing of the Camp David Accords of Sinai was the first requirement for the people of the camp in half actually on the other side of the border with Egypt is returning to the sector, and so it was thanks to the Oslo Accords, which did not prefer never stay on the land is Palestinian adherent to their land and their cause, with their emphasis at the same time love for Egypt and its people and thanked the hearts for hosting throughout that period. series Altkirh Palestinians continuously and fiercely since the signing of the Camp David Accords, a series does not differentiate between Fatah supporters or supporters of Hamas, but he began before the advent of recent, no Hamas, twenty years at least. yet go late President Mohamed Anwar Sadat to Jerusalem and the signing of the Camp David Accords, which humiliated, and still humiliated the Egyptian people, Egyptian Pens launched in waging a terrifying campaign of incitement against the Palestinians, focusing on they enjoy very luxurious villas in Jordan and the Gulf states, while the Egyptians are starving. At the height of the Kuwait war and beyond, began pens themselves or of inherited institutions journalist and television then, repeating the hate campaign by saying that the Palestinians blocked the doors of livelihood in the face of their brothers the Egyptians in the Gulf region. supporters system corruption Previous who was ousted by the Egyptian people in their revolution glorious ones who behind all of these campaigns, and returned to broadcast poisons contention save this again in light of the current state of division that tear Egypt and threaten national unity, and even collapse as a state, if it is not quickly cordoned off. Did not those that from the dawn of the Church of Saints in Alexandria, before the fall of the most famous few, came through the tunnels from the Gaza Strip, to discern afterwards that beloved Adli Interior Minister Mubarak is standing and his men behind the massacre to blow a sectarian civil war in Egypt? ' ' I would not write this article on this topic for my firm belief that the Egyptian people the largest and oldest and more aware that fools him these lies poisoned, but for that fellow journalist from the newspaper 'Al-Ahram' contacted me angry, and rebuke, she told me voice quavering she did not imagine days that offers Palestinians on such actions reprehensible in Egypt's right. If a journalist veteran like my colleague this, she loved Palestine from her heart, like all sons of Egypt, and pretended to break the siege on the Gaza Strip, and carried the aid of his family trapped, and was battered by police beloved Adli, incredible such lies and fabrications, how is the case with millions of ordinary people in the land of Egypt limited culture and education targeted by the satellite channels and pens tendentious still nostalgic for the return of the former regime? We love Egypt and we see tractors that can lead the nation to safety and she graduated from the event wandering and dependency experienced by since more than a century, like Egypt, whatever its ruler, because we differentiate always between Egypt people and Egypt's ruling, if it was good loyal loving to his people, that 'light upon light', but if he is corrupt and bad, we with the Egyptian people in the trenches, even the heart, to get rid of him and tyranny and corruption. Palestinian people with Egypt, and wishes to stability and prosperity, and out of this crisis with minimal losses, and all that we wish to have mercy on us 'Pharaoh's magicians' and mercy of their people accepted the contention save and magic black, and emphasize that these do not represent Egypt and its people good |