Timing of #Braves Kimbrel trade made it even tougher to swallow @chrisdimino @braves Needed someone with the STONES to do all of this. This sh*t ain't for the faint of heart
Timing of #Braves Kimbrel trade made it even tougher to swallow. DOB blog. Jason Isbell. http://on-ajc.com/19YlbeFTiming of Kimbrel trade made it even worse | MIAMI – The timing was awful. Period. And the Braves know that when they traded Craig Kimbrel early Sunday night, on the eve of Opening Day. Bad, bad, bad. If they could have dumped the albatross contract of Melvin Upton Jr. -- or B.J. Upton, since that’s what we knew him as during his two terrible seasons with the Braves – by trading Kimbrel two weeks ago, two months ago, it would’ve...