- Tribute to Mandela and 150 others follow"We have named the participants: Russia, the US, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Egypt" http://aje.io/59n252 retweets28 favorites
- MY BIG COIN and 54 others followBREAKING: Syria peace talks will begin in October and will include US, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Turkey and Egypt.165 retweets49 favorites
- SliveR TwisT and 58 others followEgypt has agreed to buy two giant French warships originally promised to Russia: http://bit.ly/1LB8OoZ14 retweets11 favorites
- Marguerite Dehler and 1 other followWhy Egypt needs two big warships and how it will scrape together $1.7 billion to buy them is beyond me. via @Tmgneff https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/checkpoint/wp/2015/09/23/egypt-to-buy-french-mistral-landing-ships-originally-intended-for-russia/ …