- New Q drop at . Can't upload screenshot (limited Wifi). @realDonaldTrump NEVER speculates. Huber reports to Session & has evidence of ALL (servers, emails, texts). Repeated msgs needed to bypass MSM (propaganda arm of Dems/DS). Reach growing exponentially.127 replies972 retweets1,915 likes
- 2. Link is letter to Sessions, Wray & Huber re: criminal referral for investigation vs Comey, HRC, Lynch, McCabe, Strzok & Page for potential violations of Federal statutes re: use of unverified Steele dossier as primary justification for FISA warrant to spy on Trump campaign.11 replies312 retweets610 likes
- 3. Able to upload screenshots now (turned off WiFi). Here is the first drop from Q after a 20-day absence. Silence truly IS golden as it left the DS maggots guessing what was happening and they are now in full panic mode. See my first post (this thread). …17 replies291 retweets633 likes
- 4. HuffPo hit piece on Q. "As conspiracies go, QAnon isn’t even faintly plausible. It’s every conspiracy, all at once, an orchestra tune-up of theories." They really ARE panicking...and I, for one, am loving every minute of it. …36 replies351 retweets922 likes
- 5. Here's the link to the letter to Sessions, Wray & Huber re: criminal referral for investigation vs Comey, HRC, Lynch, McCabe, Strzok & Page. …10 replies296 retweets598 likes
- 6. Mirrors (mirrored earlier drops?) and disinfo necessary to keep the DS guessing as they too watch the boards. The lengthy (20-day) silence had them in sheer panic mode not knowing what was coming when, thus preventing timed FF attacks to try to change the narrative.17 replies223 retweets579 likes
- 7. FOIA requests (e.g., fm @JudicialWatch) can only be fulfilled if the info is unclassified. @realDonaldTrump has the authority to declassify info. Redactions due to ongoing (Huber) investigations. Napolitano asks if Huber is "undercover special counsel". replies232 retweets501 likes
- 8. Q refs earlier drop w/list of media hit pieces on "Qanon Conspiracy" & adds more links as Sample 2 of how the media is doing their damndest to discredit Q. All they are doing is waking more people up who will eventually #WalkAway. See to click on links.
19 replies264 retweets550 likes
- 9. An anon added another hit piece to Q's list - a video by MSLSD. Lies pushed by today's MSM no different than propaganda pushed by Nazis. Was Bush's grandfather involved? Is the Bush family involved w/today's propaganda fm MSM? …34 replies255 retweets537 likes
- 10. Love it! Q posted "Sea to Shining Sea" before @realDonaldTrump took the stage at the VFW Nat'l Convention where Lee Greenwood sang "sea to shing sea" (21:33) & our POTUS acted like he was conducting the song right as those words were sung! "Q marker"!
24 replies288 retweets649 likes
- 11. If there was any question as to whether or not Q team mbrs keep any eye out on the boards, incl "Great Awakening" Reddit forum, here's another example. Q just linked to a post re: @realDonaldTrump's motorcade honking at these PATRIOTS. "We saw you!". …16 replies117 retweets334 likes
Replying to @LisaMei62 @realDonaldTrump
The patriots were holding this sign:
The Motorcade honked for them.

0 replies16 retweets45 likes