2) I'd like to begin with an older post by #Qanon that outlines his mission and our role.Q asks questions to get us to think and research. The first purpose is for us to discover the truth.
3) The second purpose of #Qanon's mission is to gather and assemble the information we find and then distribute it to people in our sphere of influence.
My role is to give you the information I've found. Your role is to help share it with people you know.
His purpose for allowing us access to #QAnon is to provide information we would never have access to. In many cases, we're given clues that help us discover the truth for ourselves.
5) What kind of transparency does the President want? He has [all] the info on secret government programs, criminal activities of other governments, secret societies, big pharma, the global banking system, Holywood elites & more.
#Qanon's mission is to reveal that information.
6) Obviously, we can't be given everything the President knows.
He wants us to have information that can safely be revealed.
#Qanon provides us with information that has been cleared for public dissemination.
7) Some things can't be revealed.
At least not now.
Partly for national security reasons & partly because the truth is so completely different from what we've been told, people would either not believe it or riot when they realize how much we've been lied to.
8) #Qanon said this operation is backed by military intelligence.
Think about the outstanding characteristic of the military.
They're mission-oriented.
They don't quit until their mission is complete.
9) The military backing of the operation leads me to believe that #Qanon will continue posting crumbs, hints, prayers, and words of encouragement until we have ALL the information the President wants us to have.
POTUS has it all.
He wants to have it all.
11) #Qanon posted this.
In the left inset is a prayer rembering JFK, who's fight against secret societies cost him his life.
On the right is the FBI Oath of office.
Q admonishes agents to honor the oath they'e taken.