- This thing is on it's own timetable and serious people who don't leak ANYTHING are working on it. Meanwhile to grab your attention Cohen's tapes about McDougal - which were seized long ago - were just leaked anonymously.
- I'm fine with Mueller and Obama/Hillary holdovers leaking crap to seize attention. It means Horowitz & the team of US attorneys working in tandem with him - a large team led by John Huber - are free to work in peace and quiet.
- So. A new batch of people who've been under investigation for months were just ALLOWED to leave the FBI now. Another signpost on the road passed. /end
- Can’t wait to see TRUTH immersion!!!
- Loose lips, sink ships!
- Nope. As much as I want to think that, it will be same as the other IG report. Riddled with innuendo, easy for the side to pick apart, and ending with nothing, like the IG report did.
- Yes but will any of the crooks still be alive and walking ? able to be punished it takes far too long to get any justice
- Great...let's hope the 2nd American Civil War hasn't begun by whenever this might happen in the future, a long time from now, before #2135
and the world ends.
- It won't matter if the Dems get any more seats in Congress or the statute of limitations runs out or they get immunity deals in place to protect the guilty. Sessions needs to be fired immediately and an American needs to be made AG.
- I’m not holding my breath.
- I pray your right
- You should probably change your name... Sessions is terrible. Too busy expanding asset forfeiture, and wastes time going after weed and Assange
- What about Huber. Is that a real Investigation. Not one word about it. Supposedly was hired by @jeffsessions Can someone mentione him or is it BS.
- 1 more reply
- But DOJ has hundreds of indictments on .gov page already this week!! Health care fraud..tax fraud...election...its all connected? Yes?
- When the hell will Huber start firing off all these indictments??!?!
- 1 more reply
- All at once?! Dude, that is focking
Monday, July 23, 2018
When Horowitz is completely done. We'll be notified