- Rising serpent Retweeted Rising serpent1. I posted this thread a few days ago, read it to get some context of what I am about to say.I made the quoted statement without fully comprehending the gravity of what was being stated. So let me rephrase it for my benefit in the next postRising serpent added,21 replies629 retweets725 likes
- 2. Perkins Coie, the law firm conduit between FusionGPS & Hillary/DNC/Obama to fund Christopher Steele's Trump-Russia Dossier hosted a meeting in Washington DC where they discussed with Steele and FusionGPS the fact that Steele made contact with the media at the behest of GPS2 replies165 retweets307 likes
- Rising serpent Retweeted Rising serpent3. This is absolutely stunning. Because we know that the FBI terminated Steele for the very reason of his speaking to the media whilst being a paid Confidential Human Source (CHS).Rising serpent added,Rising serpent @rising_serpent3. Steele told FBI he informed a 3rd party he was acting as CHS for FBI. The FBI determined Steele was a source for an online article. On Nov. 1, 2016, FBI terminated Steele as an FBI source saying he should not "obtain any intelligence whatsoever on behalf of the FBI"Show this thread2 replies151 retweets297 likes
- 4. So Steele who was an FBI CHS was being paid by Perkins Coie/Fusion GPS Contemporaneously as the FBI was paying him. So in effect the DNC and FBI were paying the same person money to do the exact same job, namely dig dirt on Trump or at least excrete it from within his bowels.3 replies190 retweets366 likes
- 5. But Steele for some strange reason followed the directions of one of his paymasters (GPS/Perkins/DNC) which resulted in his other paymaster (FBI) terminating him.2 replies118 retweets284 likes
- 6. But GPS/Perkins funding to Steele was from DNC/Hillary/Obama: so did the DNC instruct Perkins to initiate contact with the media? Even more importantly: Did Hillary and Obama know of this meeting? Did they instruct Perkins Coie to ask Steel to go to the media?4 replies150 retweets319 likes
- Rising serpent Retweeted Rising serpent7. A lot of this sounds amazingly fantastical because it absolutely is. But I seldom say stuff without referencing it. I posted this link in my original thread:Rising serpent added,Rising serpent @rising_serpent13. Even Bill Priestap admitted that corroboration of Steele dossier was in its infancy at the time of the initial FISA application used to spy on Carter Page/ George Papadopolous. Around July 2016 Peter Strzok became intimately involved in this process. https://intelligence.house.gov/uploadedfiles/memo_and_white_house_letter.pdf …Show this thread2 replies122 retweets278 likes
- 8. Here is the exact paragraph in that house intelligence document: it is where I actually made the first statement from.4 replies145 retweets301 likes
- 9. As if one document describing the depraved clown car circus that lead to the Trump-Russia Dossier wasn't enough, here is another document: In addition They talk about the FISC and FISA application process https://intelligence.house.gov/uploadedfiles/hpsci_memo_key_points.pdf …1 reply128 retweets269 likes
- 10. "Neither the initial application in Oct 2016, nor any of the renewals, disclose or reference role of DNC, Clinton campaign, or any party/campaign in funding Steele’s efforts, even though political origins of the Steele dossier were then known to senior DOJ and FBI officials"1 reply141 retweets272 likes
- Rising serpent Retweeted Rising serpent11. Note that by now we know of 3 main sources of Christopher Steeles Funding: -FBI -DNC/Hillary via Perkins Coie to FusionGPS who paid Steele -Dianne Feinstein ex-staffer Daniel Jones who raised $50 million from private donors to fund the Dossier.Rising serpent added,10 replies297 retweets385 likes
- Rising serpent Retweeted Rising serpent12. Obama also paid Perkins Coie, in fact Perkins Lawyers were involved in bringing his birth certificate from Hawaii. Isn't the timing of these payments to Perkins about the same time as Christopher Steele was playing cat and mouse with the FBI?Rising serpent added,Rising serpent @rising_serpent6. Perkins Coie law firm received $800,000 from Obama in 2016, classified only as “Legal Services,” were made April 25-26, 2016. Second batch, also classified as “Legal Services,” were disbursed on September 29, 2016, totaled $700,000.. http://thefederalist.com/2017/10/29/obamas-campaign-gave-972000-law-firm-funneled-money-fusion-gps/ …Show this thread5 replies273 retweets394 likes
- Rising serpent Retweeted Rising serpent13. The document posted above reserves a special section for unctuous Adam Schiff, just the same way purgatory does.Rising serpent added,Rising serpent @rising_serpent6. Perkins Coie law firm received $800,000 from Obama in 2016, classified only as “Legal Services,” were made April 25-26, 2016. Second batch, also classified as “Legal Services,” were disbursed on September 29, 2016, totaled $700,000.. http://thefederalist.com/2017/10/29/obamas-campaign-gave-972000-law-firm-funneled-money-fusion-gps/ …Show this thread3 replies141 retweets286 likes
- 14. So in effect DNC was controlling Christopher Steele's actions while he was also feeding "intel" to FBI. Not only that, they actually regrouped in DC and right around that time the FBI terminated and used Bruce Ohr as the intermediary between Steele and FBi2 replies162 retweets304 likes
- 15. Steele was receiving money from so many places to do the exact same thing, which was to confabulate about something he heard (he hadn't been to Russia in 20 some years, everything was hearsay).4 replies130 retweets278 likes
- 16. Given that not one but two house intelligence documents talk about the meeting, I daresay the meeting was known to everybody on the inside. What are the odds that Podesta/Fallon/Hillary/Obama et al didn't know what was happening?3 replies124 retweets279 likes
- 17. What are the odds that the FISA/FISC processes were renewed THREE times and not once was Steele's association to the DNC/Hillary mentioned? NOT ONCE. Certain people in the FBI must've known and thus had a ready plan to use Bruce Ohr without blinking an eyelid.6 replies175 retweets302 likes
- 18. Any why was Dianne Feinstein's ex-staffer pumping even more money into Steele's gullet? Is it even possible that Feinstein, a ranking member of the intelligence committee didn't know?11 replies181 retweets365 likes
19. I suspect the FISA/FISC processes and the information contained therein will blow the lid on this Pandora's box of depravity and deception.
Thanks to @_ImperatorRex_ for pointing me to my own previous thread and encouraging me to expand upon it further.
30 replies272 retweets629 likes