- 1. An astonishing interview with @DevinNunes , where he gives us a 'heads up' on the imminent release of unredacted FISA 'and other corroborating material'. It also proves that Sean Hannity, who talks over Nunes at critical moments, has a tin ear.82 replies624 retweets1,018 likes
- 2. Nunes reveals that the House Intel Committee GOP members have asked for the 4th (and last renewed FISA) to be declassified by POTUS Trump. This makes sense:2 replies115 retweets339 likes
- 3. Rule 13(a) of the FISC Procedure Rules requires the government to inform the relevant FISC judge in writing, if it discovers that a submission previously made to the court contains a material misstatement or omission.3 replies81 retweets285 likes
- 4. Rule 13 (b) requires the government to file a Disclosure of Non-Compliance if the relevant application has breached the FISA Act It's reasonable to assume that rule 13 will have been breached by the FBI/DOJ crooks. 4 times. FISC Rules here: http://www.fisc.uscourts.gov/rules-procedure5 replies87 retweets274 likes
- 5. Nunes reveals that the 20 pages they've asked be unredacted is the minimum demand. He'd like to more declassified, if possible. PLUS the previous 3 FISAs - although I'd assume these would be annexed to the 4th application, or would be incorporated into the 4th, anyway.1 reply73 retweets241 likes
- 6. As to the content of the 20 pages: Hannity tries to gin it up as a 'Blockbuster', Nunes says it's as least as bad as what we already know. Hannity reveals his sources are telling him it will sink the Trump-Russia lie. Nunes doesn't disagree. Either way, huge.7 replies110 retweets325 likes
- 7. What's new is the mention of 'emails', separate from the FISA application, that prove the entire conspiracy. In that context, Adam Schiff gets some attention, esp the hilarious call between him and a Russian hoaxer, where Schiff is effectively colluding to get dirt on Trump.5 replies111 retweets300 likes
- 8. They didn't play that by accident. What that tells me is that Schiff (and other Dems) were part of the collection of dirt, that was funneled thru to FBI outside formal channels, thru 2015/16. And that emails exist proving their part. As well as the key role of others.7 replies112 retweets313 likes
- 9. I'm assuming these emails may include everyone involved in the FISA scam, including Congress, FBI, DOJ & Obama White House. Perhaps even the media, although to be fair, that isn't hinted at.3 replies77 retweets240 likes
- 10. So Nunes is hinting strongly at the imminent release of an illegal FISA, plus corroborating emails ID'ing the conspirators, but also something even more significant. Which brings up Hannity's tin ear.5 replies77 retweets247 likes
- 11. Listen closely - Nunes REPEATEDLY hints at a far greater scandal that's going to emerge. Hannity either talks over him, isn't listening properly or rushes the interview on. The scandal?20 replies122 retweets298 likes
- 12. That Putin's FSB was working with the Clinton campaign, Obama administration & Congress - using Putin oligarchs as intermediaries - to seed the campaign with misinformation, in order to rig the election. Nunes SPECIFICALLY mentions the FSB (at 23.07) & Hannity cuts him off.14 replies161 retweets327 likes
- 13. Also, Nunes suggests that Fusion GPS was being PAID by the FSB/Putin. That's new - we know they were being funded by Clinton, suspect also the Obama 4 America & the FBI. But Putin's FSB? If true, WOW.12 replies139 retweets298 likes
- 14. Nunes mentions this in the context of the infamous Trump Jnr set-up, in Trump Tower. I always assumed that Fusion GPS were giving the orders. But if I'm right, Nunes is suggesting something different. The meeting was a FSB operation. THEY were giving the orders. Worse:8 replies104 retweets235 likes
- 15. That the FSB may have been working with the Obama administration, to execute the set-up. After all, who let Veselnitskya into the US in the first place? DOJ, specifically Loretta Lynch.7 replies146 retweets297 likes
- 16. Working with Putin's FSB in this way makes perfect sense. Putin would have wanted a Clinton victory. Obama/Brennan could authorize warrantless surveillance under the FISA, based on comms with foreign targets. All comms for the Trump Jnr meeting came from outside the US.9 replies76 retweets197 likes
- 17. IMO, they also worked with UK intelligence (and other intel agencies) for different parts of the Trump takedown. This was a BIG operation. Nunes kept dropping hints, but Hannity didn't pick it up (unlike Bartiromo, who DOES).10 replies98 retweets263 likes
18. Anyway, we will learn the truth soon. PLEASE have a listen to the interview. It's an important one.
Another thing - there's a strong chance that this is dropping early next week.
'Happening. It's.'
The end.
43 replies141 retweets386 likes