- 81) How does Saudi Arabia control the tech sector? Here's one example: Alwaleed bin Tal is a major shareholder of Twitter stock. #Qanon
- 82) Alwaleed is also the major shareholder of Citigroup, who emailed John Podesta a month before the 2008 presidential election with a list of names that Barack Obama would be expected to appoint after the election. Alwaleed got his appointments. #Qanon
- 83) US and UK politicians are controlled the way its been done for centuries. Money sex, power and secrets. Saudi money funds political campaigns. The Saudis also provide protection for politicians (think organized crime). #Qanon
- 84) Control of politicians is also done by enticing them to engage in sex with minors. The encounters are secretly videotaped and used as blackmail. This type of setup is called "Operation Brownstone." (Think Jeffrey Epstein) #Qanon
- 85) George Soros funds organizations that push agendas into the mainstream to brainwash people:
Media Matters, Correct the Record, Share Blue, Organizing For Action, etc. His money never decreases because the DOJ has a settlement slush fund that replenishes his assets. #Qanon
- 86) #Qanon used a three-sided diagram /_\ to illustrate the relationship between the Saudis, the Rothschilds, and George Soros. (Each is one side of the diagram.) The three-sided diagram described the situation before the round-up of corrupt Saudi Princes last November.
- 87) This diagram _\ represents the situation since the corrupt Saudi princes were removed from power. Only the Rothschilds and George Soros are left. #Qanon
- 88) #Qanon said the diagram would contain no sides after Soros and the Rothschilds have been removed from power The order of removing these powerbrokers is critical if they're going to be successful Draining the swamp requires the removal of those who are backing swamp dwellers
- 89) The strings of control were cut to US & UK politicians when the Saudi princes were arrested. Politicians lost both funding and protection which is why many opted not to run for re-election this year and why some had their sex-crimes exposed. #Qanon
- 91) In February, the global elites and the clowns attempted to force President Trump into the Presidential Emergency Operations Center (they failed). The retaliatory strike forced the bad guys into their own bunker. #Qanon
- 92) #Qanon reminded the bad guys that they were being hunted by Navy SEALs. A C_IA Corona satellite was taken offline to prevent them from listening. [Silence is golden.]
- 94) #Qanon updated the anons on the situation noting that 2 clown (C_IA) ops had been exposed. Then Q wrote: Save the best for last. [P]
- 94) In April, an anon asked if P was the Pope. #Qanon did not confirm but did indicate that the Pope would have a terrible month of May. (Things went so badly in May, the Pope expressed thoughts of retiring.)
- 97) We now know that P = Payseur. Daniel Payseur was also known as Crown Prince Louis who was Queen Marie Antoinette’s son. He was smuggled out of France to North Carolina after his mother was executed. #Qanon
- 98) The Payseurs have owned railroads, banks, car companies, electric companies and many other assets. This page gives a comprehensive list of their holdings and provides some history on this wealthy and powerful family. #Qanon http://theunhivedmind.com/wordpress4/the-payseur-french-royal-family-in-the-united-states-of-the-virginia-company/ …
- 100) It's not my cup of tea, but if you follow the rabbit hole far enough, you'll eventually come to this document on the C_IA website: Bloodlines of the Illuminati #Qanon https://www.cia.gov/library/abbottabad-compound/FC/FC2F5371043C48FDD95AEDE7B8A49624_Springmeier.-.Bloodlines.of.the.Illuminati.R.pdf …
- 104) #Qanon asked why the mainstream media is disintesred in finding out the truth about Bruce Orh's involvement in the FISA warrant against Carter Page.
- 108) #Qanon drew our attention to statements made by John Ratcliffe about John Huber and Bruce Ohr. Note: Ohr is in the kill box [Ohr]
- 109) .John Ratcliffe (wrongly) assumed that Huber did not have the information he needed about Bruce Ohr. (Easy mistake to make when nothing is being leaked from an investigation.) #Qanon
- 110) #Qanon asked how the Mueller investigation could continue if its basis (information gained through surveillance based on the Steele Dossier) was fake and if DOJ knew it was fake and didn't tell the FISA Court. Things are not as they seem. 20 pages of FISA yet to be revealed
- 115) The first link points to a letter from Chuck Grassley to Jeff sessions asking 31 questions about Spygate. #Qanon indicated that items #21 through 25 would be discussed during the meeting with Bruce Orh. https://www.judiciary.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/2018-03-15%20CEG%20LG%20JC%20TT%20to%20AG%20DAG%20(Special%20Counsel).pdf …
- 116) The second link by #Qanon takes you to a letter from Jeff Sessions to Chuck Grassley, Trey Gowdy and Bob Goodlatte explaining why he chose to appoint John Huber to prosecute corruption in DC instead of a second special Counsel. #Qanon https://assets.documentcloud.org/documents/4426661/AG-Letter-Re-IG-and-Huber-Reviews.pdf …
Saturday, September 1, 2018
Alwaleed bin Tal is a major shareholder of Twitter stock.