- 81) Q said POTUS is aware of the Fed's plans to increase interest rates throughout 2019 in an attempt to stall the economy, thereby preventing Trump from being reelected in 2020. Q indicated Trump has plans to restructure the Fed.16 replies169 retweets413 likes
- 82) As a candidate for President, Donald Trump didn't express much fondness for the Federal Reserve. (Politics being what they are, I would imagine he held back some of his real feelings.)3 replies94 retweets307 likes
- 83) In the same interview, Trump shared his thoughts on the US returning to the gold standard, noting it would be difficult because we don't have the gold.18 replies86 retweets275 likes
- 84) I don't know if Trump was ignorant or just pretending to be, but the US has the most gold in the world at 8.4 metric tons. China has 4.9 tons and Germany has 3.4 tons. (It's impossible to know how accurately nations are when reporting gold reserves.) https://www.statista.com/statistics/267998/countries-with-the-largest-gold-reserves/ …24 replies105 retweets282 likes
- 85) In his question and answer session a couple of weeks ago, Q didn't mince words. He said we have the gold it will destroy the Fed.31 replies171 retweets455 likes