Trump2020 Deplorable Susie Retweeted ADDICTED TO FREEDOM @dukhanomore · 10h Coup D'Etat: Andrew McCabe Admits Deep State Officials Discussed Recruiting Cabinet Members to Push Trump Out of Office (link:… via @gatewaypundit IT's Called a Coup D'Etat: Andrew McCabe Admits Deep State Officials Discussed Recruiting Cabinet... It’s Called a Coup D’Etat Fired Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe told CBS News today that top officials at the Department of Justice and FBI discussed recruiting 2 16 22
Paul Baumgartner Retweeted secret stranger #yellowvests @secretstranger9 · 1h Call to prayer, London style, what about noise pollution laws Mayor Khan? Quote Tweet The Backup of OnlineMagazin @Fake_Ljaschko UK: When the alarm is ringing for breakfast time in #London... by blocked @OnlineMagazin 2:14 1.6K views 14 40 38
Mrs. Lily Retweeted The One And Only #Conservative #MAGA @TheBestEver234 · 35m DESPICABLE! Chelsea Clinton And Dems Do the Unthinkable Right After Five Cops Are SHOT (link:… via @ILMForg DESPICABLE! Chelsea Clinton And Dems Do the Unthinkable Right After Five Cops Are SHOT If Democrats had a motto it might be "never late a good tragedy go to waste." In the immediate aftermath of learning that five civilians were murdered and five 2 11 6