Suzanne--I Melania Retweeted Emmy @Serremmy · 17h It's fun watching Democrats eat their own. Goodbye 25,000 jobs! Cuomo slams Ocasio-Cortez, others, as Amazon ditches New York New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo lambasted politicians such as Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and others over Amazon's decision to leave New York City. 104 446 689
The Armed Nationalist Hillbilly Retweeted The Deplorable Choir @DeplorableChoir · 2h Angel moms at White house with the President! Please pray the pictures of their children will have him VETO this bill! We don’t need ANYMORE angel families! 14 214 512
Marty Retweeted Deep State Exposed® @DeepStateExpose · 2h The Green New Deal is a POLICED STATE!!! 1 51 119
Robby Ball @perfectsliders · 8m Schumer fumes over Green New Deal vote. No kidding Chuck! We know that no one with half a brain wants this to become legislation. (link:… 2 4
Nationalist Pet Lover Retweeted Jali_Cat{ } @Jali_Cat · 9h @BetoORourke @RepBetoORourke wants to remove all existing border walls at the southern border...starting w El Paso “Remove current barriers so they (illegals) can cross here.” ~Beto (Is this dopey earning his cartel ?? My guess is yes.)