NO SLEEP_TILL GITMO & Q LIKED and AnoN liked Joe M @StormIsUponUs · 43m Enjoying the #Oscars ? Below is a list of famous actors who publicly bash Trump and are NOT terrified about what military intelligence is holding on them for the right moment: . 106 261 827
♟♟KARLI BONNE’♟♟ and 6 others liked Lisa Mei Crowley @LisaMei62 · 39m There's that word again... Quote Tweet Reuters Top News @Reuters Pence to announce 'concrete steps' for Venezuela crisis on Monday (link: 18 125126 423
For God And Country Q and 5 others liked Sara A. Carter @SaraCarterDC · 1h LOL.. Quote Tweet Charlie Kirk @charliekirk11 The Oscars: The annual gathering of movie star millionaires to complain about how oppressed they are under Donald Trump 81 511 3K