Saturday, February 16, 2019

Pentagon secretly researched ‘stargates, alternate dimensions and UFOs’ Could we really travel through a stargate?

See something. Say something.
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Kristen Holmes
Confirmed: 4 police officers and multiple civilians have been struck in Aurora, IL shooting (per a city official)
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Dangerous chatter at the moment. See something. Say Something. Rats are desperate for a Fake News distraction. Who will they kill next? State Funeral? 2 week delay? Only you have the power to will the conscious reality. You know the plan. Trust the plan.

Who to follow

Autism, Dyslexia, Selective Mutism, Domestic Violence, Abuse, Rape, Breast Cancer and Social Problems Advocate ....
U S Army, Disabled vet, 1972-1975 2/17th Air Cav, 101st Air Mobile #Believe#Faith #Strength God is there, be still & listen for His whispers
Maria Elena & Ken have enjoyed the fruits of #OnlineMarketing since 1986. Now retired, we are enjoying life to the MAX!