Wayword Knight Retweeted AFP news agency @AFP · 8h Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman will visit China next week, Beijing's foreign ministry says, as part of a swing through Asia in which the monarch is expected to sign an investment package with cash-strapped Pakistan Saudi crown prince to visit China Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman will visit China next week, Beijing's foreign ministry said on Friday, as part of a swing through Asia in which the news.yahoo.com 6 34 29
Jonh Birch Retweeted Patriot LifeLover @LoriinUtah · 2h This Didn’t Take Long! Rosenstein Frantically Declares McCabe A Liar I love it when Dems throw their own under the bus. Divine Karma at work. This Didn’t Take Long! Rosenstein Frantically Declares McCabe A Liar Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein rejected allegations made by former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe to CBS News that he and other officials discussed n-volve.com 18 63 92