Gina Benedetta/22Trump Retweeted Shelly @ShellyCov · 5h The @GOP did well: House Democrats Suffer Embarrassing Loss On Gun Control Amendment Vote (link:… via @gatewaypundit House Democrats Suffer Embarrassing Loss On Gun Control Amendment Vote Guest post Mike LaChance at American Lookout House Democrats are celebrating a victory over the passage of a new gun control bill. But Republicans attached an 44 320 397
Marsha Little Gentry Retweeted Ron @r1944gmailcom · 1h Replying to @DaRealGrizzle and @Education4Libs The Bible makes it clear that Satan will use those who accept his messages to create havoc, cause depression and tare into peoples souls. 1 1
Dr. Lynn J Anderson @andersonDrLJA · 1h Lynne Patton: Michael Cohen Flipped on Trump because Mueller Threatened to Jail His Wife for 30 Years (link:… via @gatewaypundit Lynne Patton: Michael Cohen Flipped on Trump because Mueller Threatened to Jail His Wife for 30... How awful! Radical Democrat Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) accused Lynne Patton of being a political prop for Republican Rep. Mark Meadows during the Michael 2 23 28