Monday, August 15, 2011

#Mizdah 24hrs - Supposedly military base at Mizdah taken by FF, 100 tanks have been captured by FF., Shelling in #Mizdah happening now

djejebiba@ChangeInLibya Reports about Mizdah not included... supposedly military base at Mizdah taken by FF. #Libya #Mizdah56 minutes ago 2 
“Map of the current situation in #Libya: Some claims that #Mizdah and #Tijihave been already liberated as well. ”
changeinlibyaReports that more than 100 tanks have been captured by FFs in Mizdah / plus more captured in Gheryan yesterday #Libya @NATO @NATOpress49 minutes ago 20 
libyaalhurratvShelling in #Mizdah happening now. #Libya #feb1711 hours ago 6 
freeourlibyaMost of the defeated G forces who have fled from Gheryan and other liberated cities & villages nearby,retreated to #Mizdah & #Fassano #Libya11 hours ago 5 
changeinlibyaJust a quick note: This map @k_thos was made yesterday i.e. before the recent Mizdah/Tiji liberations. #libya #feb1728 minutes ago 6 
abdulhelal#Mizdah is liberated now. #rebels flag over the old town of #mezda #FFs controlled mil camp with little resistance. #libya #Zawiya #Zawia5 hours ago 8 
libyanproudIf reports are correct the Freedom Fighters have gained 100+ tanks from #Ghiryan and#Mizdah army barracks ! #Feb17 #Libya45 minutes ago 10 
dernawiyaBREAKING: Mizdah also deGaddafinated! #Libya4 hours ago 3