NadiaMaddox Nadia
Tripoli still having electricity issues. They can also hear the fighting near by. #Libya
NewZealandNewsV NewZealandNewsV
Gaddafi forces, rebels fight over Zawiyah (Reuters): NEAR ZAWIYAH/TRIPOLI, Libya (Reuters) - Libyan government f...bit.ly/nf1IhP
SanadMouzughi Sanad H Mouzughi
RT @FromJoanne: Out of RESPECT for THOUSANDS of #Tripoli PRISONERS Promise me to read thistwitlonger.com/show/ccf54c #Libya
ChrisS144 Chris S
@VGDakessian you're well out of date. Libyan freedom fighters making huge gains at moment. It won't b long b4 Tripoli is surrounded. #Libya
TerjeBrthen Terje Bråthen
Opprørerne forsøker nå å ta over byen Al Zawiyah, rett vedTripoli. Et viktig raffineri i denne byen #Libya