Thursday, February 2, 2012

News #Trump #Romney receives nod from world's most self-satisfied rich man,

Alejandro Lazo
1 day after unsympathetic words about poor, Romney receives nod from world's most self-satisfied rich man, The Donald.
A day after uttering a line that made him seem unsympathetic to the impoverished, Mitt Romney received the endorsement of perhaps the world's most self-satisfied rich man, Donald Trump.

The meeting between the pair, one of whom said recently he likes to have the ability to fire people if necessary, the other of whom has coined the reality-show slogan "You're fired!" took place Wednesday in a curtained-off area off the marble-and-chandeliered lobby of Trump International, Trump's posh hotel off the Las Vegas Strip. (There is no casino here.)

Trump came out from behind a blue curtain followed by Romney and his wife, Ann. Romney shook Trump's hand as he accepted the endorsement.