Friday, April 27, 2012

#Libya #Saif Does Libya Have To Surrender Saif To The ICC? obligation under the Rome Statute to surrender Saif

Does Libya Have To Surrender Saif To The ICC? (Answer: Yes) »
Kevin Jon Heller Most commentators have assumed — Julian included — that Libya has an obligation under the Rome Statute to surrender Saif Gaddafi to the ICC before it can challenge the admissib...
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kash islam

Yesterday 10:26 PM  -    -  Public
RT - With bin Laden's elimination, the US announced a withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan. Now President Obama has revealed a new national strategy for counterterrorism. The focus is al-Qaeda and it's affiliates, as well as Iran, Syria, Hezbollah and Hamas on the list of enemies. Susan Lindauer, former CIA asset who covered Libya for nearly 10 years, is speaking to RT on what that exactly means. NATO & Al-Qaeda War Crimes In Libya