Friday, April 27, 2012

#Libya's ruling council fires Cabinet, interim ruling council citing incompetence.

Michael Schobel

1:00 AM  -  Public
Libya's ruling council fires Cabinet »
Two senior officials say Libya's interim ruling council has fired the Cabinet, citing incompetence.
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D J Austin

12:44 AM  -  Public
Rich Lennon originally shared this post:
Libya, courage and wisdom.

Libyan authorities on Tuesday passed legislation governing the formation of political organizations which rules out religious, regional and tribal platforms and bans foreign funding.
Libya bans religious parties under new law »
Libyan authorities on Tuesday passed legislation governing the formation of political organizations which rules out religious, regional and tribal platforms and bans foreign funding. “P...
Alan Lovejoy12:47 AM (edited)
And how does one decide whether a party is 'religious'? Would not whoever had the power to decide that have the power to dictate which political parties are legal? Is that a power anyone should have, or rightfully can have?

Note: I'm an atheist.
D J Austin12:48 AM
don't know but it looks like a good start.
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Kristl Huffman

12:00 AM  -  Public
Interesting point. Whatcha think, people?
john sawyer originally shared this post:
What happens when free speech and the right to protest no longer exists in the United States? We become the same as Libya, Egypt, Syria, Bahrain, many of the former republics of Eastern Europe and most of the rest of the world. Has it stopped people in these countries from protesting? No. Even though they are imprisoned, tortured, even killed they continue to protest. I am beginning to think that maybe we need to lose these rights to enable our fight for human rights and social justice for all. I for one, will continue to fight for human rights and social justice no matter what.