Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Annan’s peace plan faltering as #Russia warns Kosovo not to train #Syria rebels

Brian Gauspohl originally shared this post:
Annan’s peace plan faltering as Russia warns Kosovo not to train Syria rebels »
Death toll from the violent crackdown in Syria went up on Tuesday, a day after Kosovo's Foreign Minister Enver Hoxhaj voiced strong support for Syria's opposition, saying his government had al...
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Liz Harrison

11:28 AM  -  
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As with just about everywhere else, the middle ground is silenced. Irony is that they are probably the most likely individuals to solve Syria's problems right now.
Syria's squeezed moderate voices »
The moderate Syrian voices drowned out by violence
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Mary Jo Dodd

11:24 AM  -  
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European Union again tightens sanctions against Syria »
BRUSSELS, BELGIUM (BNO NEWS) -- European Union (EU) foreign ministers on Monday decided to further increase sanctions against the regime in Syria, where violence has continued with a series of deadly suicide bomb attacks in recent weeks. The Council of the EU decided to freeze the assets of two entities which are believed to financially support the regime of Syrian president Bashar al-Assad and targeted three additional persons with a travel ban..