Tuesday, May 15, 2012

#Syria: UN monitors attacked observing a fragile ceasefire in Syria reportedly came under fire on Tuesday

4.33pm: Syria/Lebanon: In a comment posted on Twitter, Russia has expressed support for the Lebanese army's handling of the clashes in Tripoli: #Russia greatly appreciates the Lebanese authorities' commitment to combating terrorism and condemns efforts to stir up interfaith discord — MFA Russia ...
Gabriel Tabarani originally shared this post:
Syrian Kurds Fleeing To Iraqi Safe Haven

It was a January evening when his Syrian army unit raided a house near the city of Zabadani, not far from Damascus, the former sergeant recalled. A 70-year-old man wearing a hospital gown was brought to the house, and the soldiers, including a colonel, interrogated him. When he wasn’t able to respond to their satisfaction, one of the guards beat him ferociously in the face with a helmet.

To read more on that story please click on the following newswire
Syrian Kurds Fleeing To Iraqi Safe Haven »
By Samer Muscati A Kurdish mother with her two daughters at the Domiz refugee camp. Although the immediate family feels safe at the camp, the mother said she is worried about the relatives they left b...
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Brian Gauspohl originally shared this post:
Palestinian intellectual tortured in Syria: U.N. »
Prominent leftist Palestinian writer Salameh Kaileh, freed recently after being arrested in Syria last month, was tortured during his detention, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said on Tuesday..