Monday, May 7, 2012

Clinton Urges #India to Cut Oil Imports From #Iran

7, 2012 - Secretary of State Hillary Clinton urged energy-starved India on Monday to reduce its Iranian oil imports to keep up pressure on the Islamic republic to come clean about its nuclear program. (/Associated Press) Correction: Clarification: SuperFan badge holders consistently post smart, ...
Journal of the Families In British India Society indexes 1-12 now online | Families In British India Society »
Indexes for the Journal of the Families In British India Society editions 1-12 are now online and FREE to the public to search in the FIBIS database websi...
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Preserving Extinct and Endangered Animal species in India
Preserving Extinct and Endangered Animal species in India »
Extinction of species is an accepted fact. Anything which is created is destined to come into extinction at some period of time which is true in several cases of species and the fossil records are the...