Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Fed Watch: #Greece, Again meltdown, backlash in Europe began in earnest this past weekend

Mark Thoma

4:57 PM  -  
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Fed Watch: Greece, Again »
Tim Duy: Greece, Again, by Tim Duy: It is shaping up to be another long, hot summer, and not just because of global warning. As has been widely noted, the austerity backlash in Europe began in earnest this past weekend. And Greece is once again the epicenter, at least for now. The Greek political system appears rudderless, which is calling into question the nation's resolve to complete the conditions of the last bailout package. Moreover, there ...
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Hank Cook

4:28 PM  -  
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Greece: what happens next? »
Will the country stay in the euro, negotiate an exit, or be chased out of the monetary union? Greece stays in the euro Likelihood: 2/5 After an election that pushed Greece's pro-euro parties into a minority, the prospects for this scenario look slim. The country's mainstream parties – the right-of-centre New Democracy party and the social democrat party Pasok – saw their vote collapse to 32%, which translates as 149 out of 300 parliamentary seats...