Tuesday, May 8, 2012

#Germany would merely soak up the damage Greece Leaving The Euro Would Be Bearable

Germany would merely soak up the damage caused by a Greek departure: "Greece's exit does not mean the end of the euro. Above all, Germany has a fundamental interest in preserving the common currency remains. Would the D-mark re-introduced, they would add value compared to other currencies. The export industry, the engine of the German economy would be damaged. How about Italy's exit? Or Portugal's? Or Spain's? At what point does it become unbearable for German taxpayers to burn their wealth to preserve a system that virtually nobody but a few select career politicians demand?
Fitch Sets The Stage: "Greece Leaving The Euro Would Be Bearable" | ZeroHedge »
If French Fitch, which will first be Egan-Jonesed than downgrade France from its unmovable AAA rating is starting to say that the unthinkable, namely the departure of Greece from the Eurozone, would...
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Jack Stanley

7:58 PM  -  
+1'd on www.cnbc.com
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It all sounds nice but where will they borrow the money to do those things - anybody who owns a Greek bond is a fool, anyone who loans them a penny is an idiot and irresponsible - sadly the US via the IMF will rush in to fill the gap as smarter folks bailout - isn't it nice to know that your tax dollars are propping up Greece.
Meet the Greek Leader Who Sent Global Markets Reeling »
When handed the right to try and form a coalition government in Greece, Alexi Tsipras told the world the Greek bailout agreement is “null and void” and should be abandoned. .