Thursday, May 10, 2012

#Syria Outlook Grim as Assad's Forces Continue to Break the Ceasefire and the FSA Retaliate in Self-Defence

SYRIA - News:

29.4.12 "Outlook Grim as Assad's Forces Continue to Break the Ceasefire and the FSA Retaliate in Self-Defence".

So far the UN has only 15 monitors in place to observe a ceasefire that looks shakier by the day. Assad has fail...See More
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    • Bev Porter This gets worse every day, why is there a holdup with the monitors, admittedly a person wouldn't be too keen to enter Syria. It's really unbelievable what Assad is doing to his people!
    • Karen Henderson More and more fighting, more and more madness, more and more lies. Poor, poor people, their lives! Violence and loss, loss of so much.
    • Bev Porter I tweet protesting about different things happening in Syria, but truthfully I wonder what good does it do sometimes. Especially when we see the inhumanity of Assad to his own people which is unbelievable. Though my husband Bill, says to keep it up, so I guess I'll just get on with it, keep on tweeting.