Tuesday, May 15, 2012

#Syria Says Voter Turnout 51 Percent in Boycotted Election

In this photo taken during a government-organized tour, Syrian campaign workers wait outside a polling station during the parliamentary elections, in Damascus, Syria, May 7, 2012. Syria says more than half of eligible voters turned out for a May 7 parliamentary election boycotted by opposition ...
Brian Gauspohl originally shared this post:
Lebanon and Syria

Clashes intensify in Lebanon's Tripoli

At least eight #people killed as clashes between supporters and opponents of Syrian government continues.

The fighting in Syria has spread to Tripoli in neighbouring Lebanon....
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The fighting in Syria has spread to Tripoli in neighbouring Lebanon. Tension has been rising between Tripoli's Sunnis, who support the Syrian opposition against the government of President Bashar al-Assad, and supporters of the Syrian government including Tripoli's Alawite community. The arrest of Shadi Almawlawi, a young Sunni sheikh, triggered the armed clashes. His supporters burnt tires, blocked the city's main roads and deployed armed men on the streets. Fighting that started on Sunday continued into Monday, with pressure mounting on the Lebanese army to stop the violence. Al Jazeera's Rula Amin reports from Tripoli.
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Steven Wright

12:01 PM  -  Public
thanks +Jo Sparkles
April Christie Bodner originally shared this post:
ClearSay.net - Freedom Erosion Chart »
Some of the laws passed since 9/11 from Bush and Obama.
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Press TV

12:00 PM  -  Public
The United States and Saudi Arabia have devised a new plan to destroy Syria after they did not reach their goals by creating unrest in the country for more than one year, Press TV reports.
US, Saudi Arabia plan to destroy Syria: Report »
The United States and Saudi Arabia have devised a new plan to destroy Syria.