Tuesday, May 8, 2012

#SYRIA- “Welcome to the place where the language in which Jesus Christ spoke is still alive,

Rod Borghese

7:43 PM  -  Public
Shanthanu Bhattachaarya originally shared this post:
Day Press News, Syria reports
Maalula.. Where Jesus' language Aramaic lives on in Syrian village | English | CULTURE | DayPress »
SYRIA- “Welcome to the place where the language in which Jesus Christ spoke is still alive,” Sister Georgette, clad in black robes, told this visiting IANS correspondent, ushering us into the Convent ...
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Syria Eagle

7:21 PM  -    -  Public
العائله: طفل بريطاني يولد من دون قطرة دم في جسمه وينجو من الموت‎ »
حير طفل بريطاني الأطباء، بعدما ولد بدون قطرة دم في جسمه، ولم يخفق قلبه طوال 25 دقيقة، ولكنه مع ذلك تخطى الصعاب ونجا، بحسب صحيفة "ذا صن" البريطانية.وأفادت الصحيفة،، أن الطفل "أوليفر&quot...
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Special envoy Kofi Annan told the UN Security Council on Tuesday that international observers are the last hope for success of a peace plan in Syria. Otherwise, he warned, Syria is sure to plunge into full-scale civil war. "The implication of that is quite frightening," Annan told reporters ...