6:41 PM - 31 Jan 13 · Details
In a major and dangerous escalation of the crisis in Syria, Israeli jets at dawn yesterday, Wednesday, attacked a target in Syria, although Israel itself never acknowledges such operations.
An Israeli Air Force F15-E Fighter Jet – Reuters
However, some mystery surrounds the attack as western and Syrian Opposition sources say the target was a convoy of vehicles transporting weapons from Syria to Hezbollah, the armed Islamist group, in Lebanon.
The Syrian Government says that the target was a “scientific research facility” at Jamraya not far from Damascus and that the attack killed 2 and wounded 5 personnel.
As Jamraya in less than 25 kilometres (15 miles) from the Lebanese border, it is quite likely that the convoy was not far from the “research facility” when the incident happened.
Opposition commanders in the Damascus area accused the Assad authorities of “lying” saying that the only attack on the Jamraya facility, widely thought to be doing research into chemical weapons, had been one using mortars from their own fighters.
Local residents said that six rockets struck the Jamraya complex, severely damaging buildings and causing a fire.
According to US reports, the actual target, the convoy of trucks, was carrying sophisticated weapons, possibly SA-17 anti-aircraft missiles, in a delivery to Hezbollah who, while admitting nothing, have condemned the attack as “barbaric aggression” aimed at “preventing Arab and Muslim forces from developing their military capabilities”.
Israel’s “Iron Dome” Missile Defence Shield – Reuters
Israel, which moved 2 batteries of its “Iron Dome” defense system, similar to Patriot missiles, to the northern border with Lebanon last week, has clashed with Hezbollah before and would not want to see them armed with advanced missile systems which could threaten their air superiority.
Russia has also issued a statement saying that if the reports are true then it is a “blatant violation of the UN Charter and unacceptable”.
More worryingly, Iran said only last week that it considered any attack on Syria as an attack on its own territory and therefore may feel compelled to retaliate, escalating things further.
On the other hand, Israel may be calculating, especially if it never admits to the attack, that Assad will be too weak to retaliate himself and Iran too fearful of the consequences of all out war that could involve Israel plus the United States and its Western allies.
Israel has never admitted destroying a Syrian nuclear reactor near the border with Iraq in 2007, which was thought to be producing or about to produce, weapons grade nuclear material.
In another surprising move, Moaz al-Khatib, the President of the Syrian National Coalition, the main Opposition political group, has said on his Facebook page the he is “ready for direct discussions with representatives of the Syrian regime in Cairo, Tunis or Istanbul”.
As conditions he laid down the release of “160,000 detainees” and that the passports of exiled citizens be renewed in embassies abroad.
Not everyone with the Coalition may agree with this move and it is likely to be noisily discussed at a scheduled Coalition meeting in Cairo today, Thursday. George Sabra, head of the Syrian National Council, who was not planning to attend has changed his plans in order to be there.
In another surprise, following widespread stories reported yesterday, including on this website (scroll down below) that President Assad’s wife is 7 months pregnant, the President’s office published photographs of Asma al-Assad, supposedly taken on January 22nd, showing a slim, decidedly un-pregnant “first lady”.
Whether this is a decoy or a photoshopped picture or the pregnancy is real or just a rumour, remains yet another mystery. You can read more, HERE:
As Ban Ki-Moon, the UN General Secretary, at a refugee donor meeting in Kuwait, denounced the “unrelenting horrors” of the war in Syria, the news of yet another abominable Assad Government sponsored massacre in Aleppo filtered out into the world.
“How many more people will be killed if the current situation continues?,” Ban asked. “I appeal to all sides and particularly the Syrian government, to stop the killing … in the name of humanity, stop the killing, stop the violence”.
Father Finds 2 Dead Sons in Aleppo Massacre
It appears though that the Assad regime and its supporters are immune to any sense of “humanity”.
Over the last 2 days local people have pulled between 79 and 100 bodies out of the mud along a narrow strip of the Oweq River where it touches the edge on Aleppo’s Opposition-held district of Bustan al-Qasr.
Some bodies were difficult to retrieve as he front-line is just 100 metres away and comes under fire from Government snipers.
All the bodies were those of males, mainly in their 20′s and 30′s, a couple were as young as 11 and 15 and everyone had been executed with a bullet to the neck or head. Many still had their hands tied behind their backs.
They had clearly not been to prison as many wore belts which are normally removed when people are put into cells. Activists believe they were executed in cold blood at Army or Shabiha controlled checkpoints. There is a rather gruesome video of the found corpses along the riverbank (EDITOR: Caution advised), HERE: