While Syrian r dying, Asma Al Assad is waiting 4 a baby | Syria’s Bashar al-Assad says his wife is pregnant http://wapo.st/112hSYA
Syria’s Bashar al-Assad says his wife is pregnant

Syrian first lady Asma al-Assad, second from right, meets the Spanish royal family in this 2010 photo. Her husband., President Bashar al-Assad is second from left. (DOMINIQUE FAGET/AFP/Getty Images)
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, whose regime is embroiled in a now two-year civil war that has killed tens of thousands, gave a cheery interview to unnamed “visitors,” as reported by a sympathetic newspaper, in which he offhandedly revealed that his wife is pregnant. Asma al-Assad, the 37-year-old, British-born young mother of three (now four?), waswarmly profiled in Vogue’s February 2011 issue for her style and flair; shortly after, she was placed under severe economic sanctions by the European Union for her role in state abuses.
Bashar al-Assad let the news slip in a recent talk with mysteriously anonymous “visitors,” who relayed his comments to the Beirut-based al-Akhbar newspaper, an aggressive outletoften described as aligned with such anti-Western movements as Hezbollah. He mostly spent the interview insisting, against all evidence, that his regime was sure of imminent victory in the country’s civil war and that the resistance came purely from foreign-funded extremists. The article also strained to show Assad as coolly confident, including by apparently confirming rumors of his wife’s pregnancy:
On the personal level, the man seems calm and in control. His confidence level stands out. Also, there’s the news of the pregnancy of his wife Asmaa, which could not be dealt with as a simple personal matter between a couple.
Past rumors have suggested that Assad became pregnant in June. According to the Jordan-based al-Bawaba news site, a Syrian outlet named Akhbar Shabab Soriya (Syria Youth News) reported in November that she was five months pregnant. If any of this is true, it would suggest that she is due in March.