- 32) #Qanon posted this concerning Jeff Sessions and impeachment articles (art) against Rod Rosenstein. Could Sessions publicly criticize Rosenstein without suffering a backlash from Trump's enemies?
- 33) Since Rosenstein is in charge of oversight of the Mueller investigation, how could Sessions say anything negative about Rosenstein or Mueller without it being interpreted as interference in a case he is supposed to be recused from? #Qanon
- 34) #Qanon confirmed our suspicion that Huber is reporting directly to Sessions. Yes, that is highly unusual. It makes Huber the only U.S. Attorney to do so. All other Federal Prosecutors report to Rosenstein.
- 35) #Qanon asked: Why did Sessions recuse? (To prevent accusations of obstruction of justice) Is the LEFT attacking Sessions? (No) What advantage(s) exist based on this setup? (Keeps the President's enemies at bay) POTUS publicly expresses his anger re: his recusal?
- 36) When POTUS & Sessions seem to be at war, the President's enemies support Sessions. (Trump would fire him if he felt nothing was being done.) What happens when the hammer drops? Can the swamp claim their prosecution is politically motivated after supporting Sessions? #Qanon
- 37) #QAnon wrote: LOGICAL THINKING. Clickbait derails logical thought. Think for yourself. Trust yourself. (You don't need MSM to tell you what'to think) Mueller investigating POTUS’ Tweets for obstruction?
- 38) Yes, the President's tweets are now part of the Witch Hunt.
You have a front row seat. Enjoy the show.
- 39) #Qanon posted a link to an article in support of Jeff Sessions' decision to appoint John Huber to handle prosecution of the swamp as opposed to a second Special Counsel.
- 41) #Qanon posted a link to another article and confirmed that the Rosenstein impeachment drama is purely for the sake of optics.
- 44) I had to look hard to find mention of McCain in the news. All I came up with were a couple of articles quoting his disparaging remarks against the President regarding his meeting with Vladimir Putin. #Qanon
- 45) An anon wondered if McCain is named in a redacted part of Carter Page's FISA application. (Not a bad guess since McCain was directly involved in getting the Steele Dossier to FBI Director Comey and the dossier was the main evidence used for the FISA application.) #Qanon
- 46) #Qanon responded with a question I've been digging into for the last 24 hours: When did McCain travel to the UK?
- 47) I found no publicly available report suggesting McCain visited the UK in the last 2-3 years. This article chronicles the 75,000 miles he traveled last year but there was no mention of the UK. #Qanon
- 49) In May, #Qanon reposted the original image along with a few more and noted there were [6] value targets under surveillance. US: UK UK: US Has been used to signify intelligence gathering through the five eyes.
- 50) The blue Ferris wheel in the background places the location near Hyde Park. The clothing indicates winter. Probably December during Winter Wonderland. Note the group of people in the yellow circle. #Qanon
- 51) One of them bears a strong resemblance to Lisa Page. We don't know the others but I would guess Peter Strzok & Andy McCabe may have accompanied her. Did McCain join them? #Qanon
Friday, July 27, 2018
Jeff Sessions publicly supported Rod Rosenstein today.